Formula E Moscow e-Prix Discussion

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Not my cup of cake
Valued Member
Greeting Comrades, glorious Russian Empire is proud to host electric car racing on streets of Moscow. Enough of the clichés and stereotyping, it's round 9 and this race will be run around the Kremlin, just down the road from Red Square. Wow! Poor old Bernie must be spitting teeth as he has tried for years to get an F1 race around the streets of Moscow.

Formula E had it's first controversy in the last race with Lucas di Grassi being disqualified after the Audi Sport ABT team had made illegal changes to the front wing of his car. This has put Nelson Piquet jnr at the head of the Championship with a 2 point lead of Sebastian Buemi. This series, I suppose as all spec series do, shows the qualities of the drivers rather than the technical brilliance of the designers although I believe that will change next season with more freedom for the entrants on the chassis and motor front.

The Moscow circuit features not 1 but 2 hairpins and two long straights so fan boost could be more important at this race than perhaps at others. Expect the usual suspects to be at the front (no Mephistopheles that doesn't mean Kaiser Soze will be racing) so if you haven't voted for fave yet, get on line and push da button.

Here's the track, enjoy the race.

Di Grassi is apparently still spitting feathers over the DQ so will be interesing to see how he reacts. As it appears that the two hate each other now days I imagine that Piquet is very smug about the whole thing. I still think that Buemi is going to jump the pair of them for the title anyways.

I usually vote Sam Bird in the fanboost but I may switch to Jerome D'Ambrosio as him and the Dragon team have quietly come back into contention. I'm really interested to know who the hell was voting for Charles Pic last time out!

Also I just wanted to mention how off the pace JEV and Andretti appear to have fallen since we got to Europe. The frenzy over him joining the series appears to have died down a lot.
Sorry to double post but its just been announced that replacing Scott Speed for the Moscow round will be Justin Wilson.

For those of you unfamilar with Wilson he was the british driver who absolutely spanked Mark Webber in the F3000 series but due to the fact that he was too tall and didn't have Briatore as a manager was forced to give up his F1 dream and go race across the Atlantic - a kind of JEV of his time. I haven't seen him race of late but he used to be pretty quick.

No real reason given as to why Scott Speed will not be in the car - maybe Nikki Sheilds scared him off?
Am I right in thinking that Andretti have had more driver changes this season than the rest of the field put together?

They still insisit its not effected the car development though. Hmmmm.
I'm astonished by the total incompetence in the pit stops. 58 seconds minimum stops for Moscow. The drivers are in the second car strapped in well before this yet so many teams over run by huge margins. Then Edams claim they thought the target time was 68 seconds. Blood idiots. How hard can it be. Seems to happen every race.
It ruined Buemi's race but he did salvage 3rd. Piquet won, BOO!. We had a Trulli train, Hooray! Senna had a rash all on his own, expected! Strange circuit with a 6 lane start straight running in to a 4 lane first section and then parts of the circuit which looked only wide enough to get one car through. Roll on the double header in London.
What I really enjoyed about that race was the slightly light-hearted attitude everyone seem to have, as if they're partly doing it for fun. Not like the po-faced F1 lot. You could see the smile on Alain Prost's face when he was talking about the 68 second mistake, and Trulli cutting the chicane each lap and getting away with it was hilarious.
E-DAMS working extra hard to mess up the fact they actually have the quickest carcout there.

Enjoyed watching this one especially the Trulli train that appeared to run on a different track to everyone else.

Can't see past Piquet for the title now I'm afraid (sorry FB)
It's just as well Trulli gave some interest to the proceedings because not much more happened. Oh, except for overtaking in the pits, always a lovely thing to see.
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