Jenson Button

Arguably the best ever driver in mixed conditions, all his wins at Mclaren have come in those conditions. His last race win in the dry came at the 2009 Turkish GP.

Button is known for his smooth driving style and is normally seen in must races doing one less stop than his rivals for tyres.

Buttons also know to be a bit of a practical joker and will take part in anything fun.

Since his debut in 2000 Button has won the majority of hearts in this country. But what is your favourite JB win?

Mine has to be Hungaroring 2006, in argubly a midfield team and he won the race in those mixed conditions to take his first win. I can remember James Allen been in tears almost and that was the first race Anthony Davidson ever commentated on.
I see JB as very similar to Kimi ; great if the stars are aligned but not so hot if there is some problem to work around. Having said that I do believe JB is more committed to F1 that Kimi ever was and so he'd work harder for a mid table team whereas Kimi would take the dosh and go off to play and eat ice creams....

Kimi to retire and JB to go to Lotus with some Merc savvy engineers from McLaren who get pushed out when the Honda chaps roll up...
Boullier seems to have faith in Jenson's abilities and he seems to be well liked by the mechanics it is just that Ron seems to portray nothing but disdain and disrespect for him...
The Mclaren is not a great car and Jenson is doing his best

K-Mag has shown his blinding 1 lap speed but lacks consistency that would make him a world beater and has made rookie errors with some robust driving

You get the feeling that even if Jenson wins a race his seat in the team is not guaranteed and basically Ron is hoping Alonso will take his offer how ironic
I have never liked Ron Dennis, for the simple reason that he is a slippery little eel...

You ask him a straight question, you get a thousand word reply...
He takes credit for other people's decisions (Prodromou)
He makes out that he is a genius when it comes to signing staff (At the start of the season, when KMag finished 2nd, he ws very quick to claim it was his decision- it clearly was Whitmarsh's decision, as was Prodromou)...
He blames others for the team's failings - blaming the drivers rather than the design team?!?
In fairness to Ron he probably thinks there are a couple of drivers on the grid who could put that car higher up than either JB or KMag are doing, both of whom have driven for him before. The departure of one he can take the blame for, the departure of the other can be put at the doorstep of Martin Whitmarsh.
FB I think ROn should be blamed for Lewis not being a 2 time world champion if I am honest not Whitmarsh

It seems though there is more positive spin about Button's future at Mclaren apparently so what is the hold up
That feeling is righteous @Il_leone. Problem is, Honda wants a champion and seeing that the best is probably off Jenson and him being in f1 for.....another season, maybe two isn't what Honda wants. The other champions are locked tight with their team, unless maybe Lewis and Nico tangle up again.
Who knows what Honda want I haven't heard a word out of them about drivers so maybe what they want is not to get involved in that side of things, if Ron doesn't want Jenson in the team then Jenson will not be in the team, it is his decision to make...
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Think i saw a few articles about it in the past........
Even boss Eric Boullier admits the protracted deliberations are unusual for McLaren.

"We are working on the strategy for the driver lineup for the next years," he told reporters on Tuesday.

"For me it's important to say 'years' because we are looking for three years and maybe five years."

Boullier admitted the delay is "uncomfortable" for both Kevin Magnussen and Jenson Button.

The five-year plan might make Button, the 2009 world champion, particularly nervous, as he will be 35 when the 2015 season begins. - See more at:
Bushi I don't see Hamilton leaving Mercedes seeing he has got himself in the best car and surely is not stupid enough to let go of such an opportunity especially as Alonso will steal the seat in a flash if he did

So really Honda can only get Alonso and there are signs at Ferrari all is not well but I believe Alonso has a clause that he can walk away from Ferrari if they are not in the top 3 constructors but it will be one hell of a gamble at Mclaren

Really Jenson still has good PR and I don't think KMag has blown him off yet completely to send him into retirement
He has been talking about a long term driver plan for a long time I take it to mean the drivers he wants (Or more accurately Ron wants as Ron won't take credit for driver line up until it proves successful at which time he will proclaim it was all my idea and if unsuccessful it was all Eric's idea.) are not available at present and so they are probably going to stick with at least one of the drivers they have and wait for the drivers they want to become available, which means the current drivers are screwed at McLaren anyway..
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