Jenson Button

Arguably the best ever driver in mixed conditions, all his wins at Mclaren have come in those conditions. His last race win in the dry came at the 2009 Turkish GP.

Button is known for his smooth driving style and is normally seen in must races doing one less stop than his rivals for tyres.

Buttons also know to be a bit of a practical joker and will take part in anything fun.

Since his debut in 2000 Button has won the majority of hearts in this country. But what is your favourite JB win?

Mine has to be Hungaroring 2006, in argubly a midfield team and he won the race in those mixed conditions to take his first win. I can remember James Allen been in tears almost and that was the first race Anthony Davidson ever commentated on.
The times are reporting that the deal is worth 50 million pounds for at least another 4 years. I can't read the article itself and I have no idea whether The Times is trustworthy or not but I figured I'd post it anyway.

Drat beat me to it, I did read the article in the paper today and Kevin Eason the Times' F1 writer is usually spot on, he also goes on to mention that there's an extension option on the 4 year contract so it's probably safe to say Jenson will see his career out at McLaren.
In the article listed above it quoted Lewis being on $15 million a year - this puts Jenson on around $12.5 million over 4 years so not much difference in these financial times, seeing as Lewis' contract was done ages ago.
British Papers Quick Guide by T.B.Yokel:

Broadsheets (Relatively Trustworthy)
Left Wing Guardian Independent Independent Right Wing Times, Telegraph

Red Top Tabloids (Sensationalist)
Left Wing Mirror Right Wing Sun, Star

Black Top Tabloids (Mental)
Right Wing Express, Mail.

Haha thanks :D
Need to be careful with the 'what they are worth' quotes as I understand this includes sponsorship of which Hamilton has a wider international appeal therefore pretty much raking in the sponsorship.

I wasn't surprised in the slightest that Button intends to see out his career at McLaren, the dynamic in the team since his arrival is very very good and as has been pointed out before - their performances are complementary. I certainly think Jenson has been driving better in this team. He can overtake, he can be aggressive, but he still maintains the consistency that has been oh so important this year.
I think the important caveat around all the salary dealings is simply that we do not really know, either the term, or the level or indeed the conditions around a contract. JB could be on £50m for 4 years, or £60m for 10 years, we do not know.

I think that providing avenues are available after the driving has finished, and also that there are 2 sided clauses regarding performance, to ensure that there is no risk of complacency on either side, and a mitigation against a loss of form etc, then it is probably less risky than it may initially sound. It provides stability long term, which any team would find beneficial.

As for Lewis, I believe that the situation will not be an issue for him, and a strong 2012 will determine his position going forward, especially if McLaren are able to produce a good car next year.
its the best move for Jenson now at his stage of his career because
A) He knows he will be treated as equal or given a fairer shot to win and challenge for races and championships than at either Red Bull or Ferrari
B) He's got continuity with the team which shows is important in F1 if you want sustained success
C) He has the potential to be the team leader should Hamilton move on next year
D) Mclaren will have to pay him a hefty buy out were they to replace him unless off course he chooses to retire early

the last thing Jenson I think needs is to go to Red Bull and suffer at the hands of Vettel or to Ferrari having the Mansell treatment of fighting politics with Alonso.. thats not to say he could not beat either of them BUT having settled in at Mclaren why rock the boat again.

At least he is smiling a lot more than his old buddies at Mercedes and those stupid bigwigs who thought his credentials as world champion was not worth retaining last year

this is finally the best career move Jenson has made and will probably be his last contract
Jenson is still young, if he wants it he has 8 more years at the top. This might not be his last contract...
That was a blistering race from the drivers at the Sharp End of the Grid, especially the Top 3.

Vettel's start is indicative of just how passionate he is about winning (as opposed to some World Champions of the past who Cruised And Collected)!

Alonso is no slouch and his Ferrari was in "Rocket Spec" (fastest at the speed trap and in Sector 3) at Suzuka and he had a sniff of a win.

So for Button to come out victorious over these 2 was a tremendous achievement. He left Nothing in the Tank.

More importantly, Jenson is continuing to dismantle Hamilton.

OK, Lewis had a puncture which cost him postions but part of Jenson's drive in relation to Lewis' was the way he managed the MP4-26/Pirelli dynamic.

Last year Jenson sat "too high" in the 25 whilst Lewis was 'comfy'; This year Lewis is sitting "too low" in the 26 whilst Jenson is 'comfy'.


That could be part of it but I fear Mr Aggressive Lewis is having a torrid time adapting to the requirements of the Pirellis on some - not all, mind you - of the circuits. Mr Smooth Jenson needs to adapt less, it would seem.

The true Greats were always able to adapt. Perhaps Lewis is merely "Very Good" as opposed to "Great"? If so, Jenson will feel he'll have a decent chance of beating Hamilton to a WDC if there's a Championship in the offing for a McLaren in 2012.

buttons win in canada showed a different side 2 him. He pushed that car to the limit and to win after 6 pit lae trips and 2 punctures is just breathtaking
Ray - after our minor difference over on the Vettel thread on Friday, I find myself in (almost) complete agreement with you here. :o:D

I do not think Lewis is merely "Very Good" (you do not win the WDC without being a "Great", after all) - I happen to think that Jenson is simply doing a much better job with the current tools & rules. I think what we are seeing now is the culmination of a driver at ease with himself and his team environment. It is worth pointing out that since JB arrived at BAR, he has almost always generated more sympathetic support from his team than his teammate has been able to - this has not been through Schumacher or Alonso-like demands for preferentiality, but simply through being a good bloke to work with who produces results. It is this trait which is helping him cement his place within McLaren I suspect, and probably what is rattling Lewis so much - it's a lot more difficult to resent being outperformed by someone you actually like.

I shall enjoy my few days of "Smug Mode", before the whole circus kicks off again in Korea...:chuffed:
I'm proper excited about the form Jenson is showing at the moment. Although I've always thought he was good I never knew he could be this good. He is compeating with who I thought were the top 3 drivers in the sport(Vettel. Alonso. Hamilton) on pure pace which I never thought he had in him.

I'm hoping its not just a flash in the pan and carries this over to next season. Hopefully Mclaren will build him the car to compeate with.

Jenson seems to be quite happy to play Prost to Lewis's Senna because he remember Prost won more titles!
Jenson seems to be quite happy to play Prost to Lewis's Senna because he remember Prost won more titles!

It"ll be a while, if ever, that Button will be seen in Prost's league...and similarly so with Lewis with respect to Senna.

Prost won more titles only because he lasted more years and wasn't killed after his 10th season.

I understand what you're suggesting, though. Jenson Mr Smooth, playing himself in; Lewis Mr Agressive, balls-out from the first.

Ya? :)
Ray - after our minor difference over on ... Friday, I find myself in (almost) complete agreement with you here. :o:D

I do not think Lewis is merely "Very Good" (you do not win the WDC without being a "Great", after all)

O dear! Heaven Forbid!



As per "Great" vs "Very Good"..I think there's a slight misunderstanding. I meant in the context of Grand Prix history and in terms of "All Time Great".

I don't think all the WDC winners were "All Time Greats", to be honest. Going backwards, I don't think the likes of JV or Hulme or Farina were "All Time Greats", as examples. Even at the end of 2009, not many were believing that Button was an "All Time Great (in the making)".

There was, however, a thought at the end of 2009 - and even at the end of 2010 - that Lewis was an All Time Great in the making. We won't know it until a decade or two from now...but, what I meant to say is, if Button believes that Hamilton is *only* merely "Very Good" as opposed to "Great", then he will be on a psychological level that would make him feel that it's possible to be WDC with Lewis there.
Prost won only 4 titles only because of the weather at the 1984 Monaco Grand Prix, a falling out with Renault, a failure of justice in 1990 and the insane rules of 1988.

Yes. I saw it all. Hence I can't see Button being compared to Prost anytime soon...and neither can I see Hamilton being compared to Senna.

Button and Hamilton have a long way to go...a LONG way to go ... before they can be spoken in the same breath as Prost/Senna.
Button and Hamilton have a long way to go...a LONG way to go ... before they can be spoken in the same breath as Prost/Senna.

Thats fair enough!

I understand what you're suggesting, though. Jenson Mr Smooth, playing himself in; Lewis Mr Agressive, balls-out from the first.

The comparison is slightly too easy, isn't it? Even the helmet colours are right! The only thing that is missing is the friction between the two drivers, and I think Jenson Button can take a lot of credit for that.
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