Head To Head Jenson Button vs Lewis Hamilton

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Haha sorry but this has to be put inside this thread:-

McLaren driver Lewis Hamilton, who finished eighth: "I am proud of myself and the team. We did a good job to come all the way from the back, we battled through and conserving the tyres was tough. Someone told me that I was only the person on a two stop, so I think that considering everyone keeps telling me that I am hard on tyres and how much smoother my team-mate is, I think that should show them. I just nursed them all the way through. I just cleared my mind and got on with it from the back of the grid. It was like being back in the karting days. Sometimes I would turn up with my dad and that is something that we would have to do."

Very good point to be honest. Tyre deg at this track is higher than most throughout the year and Lewis did a 30 lap stint and was the only car to 2 stop. Jenson pitted a few laps after him for the final stint (and thus had fresher tyres) yet still finished 7 seconds behind him.

We all know Jenson on the whole has an ability to nurse tyres at times and Hamilton sometimes uses his tyres more, but we also know that ultimately Lewis is faster than Jenson over a single lap. I think this proves that the only reason Hamilton uses his tyres more than Jenson is because he decides to drive faster and because he "can" drive faster. When it comes to looking after tyres, he is more than capable.
Hamilton actually stopped 3 times but yes great drive nonetheless and you have to wonder what he could've achieved had the stewards applied a bit of common sense and given him the customary 5 place grid drop.
Then you have my apologies. I saw him interviewing on sky and it went a bit like this:

Lewis Hamilton said:
Someone told me that I was only the person on a two stop. Everyone keeps telling me how much of an aggressive driver I am. I think that should show them.

Interviewer said:
You meant that you are hard on your tyres?

Lewis Hamilton said:
Err. Yes, exactly.

I'll have to watch all the BBC post-race stuff now.
McLaren team principal Martin Whitmarsh: "Lewis did a fantastic job. From the get-go he knew he was on a two-stop strategy so he was looking after his tyres but he had to hustle as well, and by the end if you give him another 100m at the end he would have been past Nico Rosberg as well. I was so proud of Lewis last night and so proud today. He has been in a very painful experience through no fault of his own and he finishes today eight points away from leading the championship."
If LH knew from the start that he was on a two stopper then what he has accomplished on these years tyres is truly astonishing considering how tricky they have made life. To beat his teammate despite his handicap and despite opting for the hardest strategy by far is a clear indicator of the relative abilities of both on a dry track with no safety cars or incidents. JB may have had an off weekend but this is entirely a result of an inability to adapt himself to the various compounds available this year. In the last stint on primes he couldn't keep up with his team mate on older tyres

Despite LH starting from the back and having a delayed pitstop he comfortably beats his teammate by superior tyre management
McLaren team principal Martin Whitmarsh: "Lewis did a fantastic job. From the get-go he knew he was on a two-stop strategy so he was looking after his tyres but he had to hustle as well, and by the end if you give him another 100m at the end he would have been past Nico Rosberg as well. I was so proud of Lewis last night and so proud today. He has been in a very painful experience through no fault of his own and he finishes today eight points away from leading the championship."

Nice comments coming from Whitmarsh regarding Lewis's performance today, and which I'm sure that Hamilton will appreciate.
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