iOS 8

I think various activities in the late 90's & early 00's will certainly mean severe memory loss for me in later life. I struggle to remember things now.

I do depend on my phone quite a lot but that doesn't mean I have abandoned all other forms of communication.
I have to admit, I love it when I'm overseas and can't get internet, it totally chills me out, especially not knowing the news!

Until I want to stream F1. Then it sucks big balls and when I am back on line I can't go on line in fear of having the result flash up before I've watched it.
I know I seem to be the biggest iOS fan on here but the latest change offends me deeply. Just downloaded the latest iTunes and iOS 8.1 and the once blue logo is now red! It burns my eyes and it's just not fair!
Actually I do see red more as brown than black but it depends on the lighting, for instance if I'm in a pub and the specials are written on the blackboard with red chalk (As they often are.) then the blackboard looks blank to me and the same goes for internet sites, some of them are inaccessible for me due to the colours the developers use I believe you are involved in internet development in some form or other ExtremeNinja and I would hope that you took this fact into consideration when designing a web site,...
Shall I tell you something about Iphones that many people may not be aware of, I invert the colour scheme on my |phone because it is easier for me to see a white font on a black background but and it is a big but doing this also inverts the camera function so when you take a picture it comes out as some kind of sepia concoction.

That is a totally shit thing to be happening...
Got my new phone and just done an internet speed test. I'm not connected to wifi. Is this right? If so its 3 times faster than my internet st home.


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