Interforum league 2016


Podium Finisher
Zdkf1 has finished moving to its new server; hopefully there won't be any teething problems but if anyone does have problems with logging in please tell me, zdkf1 aren't always great at helping quickly :bored: so it may be easier to start a new account if you do run into problems.
The league was very close last year with an amazing 5 forums in with a chance of winning the league going into the final race :popcorn:; cliptheapex just missed out on the title by 3 points. :teary:
If you haven't played before, the points system may sound complicated, but it's not that difficult to play, just pick the top ten and pole for each race and have a wild guess at what the pole time will be :thinking:.
Here's my usual opening post spiel...

The season is about to start, so it's time for you to make your predictions for this year's interforum league! :D

There's not long until the first prediction deadline, if you are late joining, don't worry, you will get some points for each race you missed (usually 20), and you can still help the forum in the league.

How to play:
  • Register on zdkf1and start your nickname with “cta_”. (If you forget, please edit your nickname here.)
  • Add the other entrants whose nicknames start with "cta_” as your friends.
  • Predict the pole position, pole time and top 10 finishers for each race.
  • The prediction deadline is 10pm (GMT) on the Thursday before each race (except Monaco).
  • How the scoring works on zdkf1 (although the risk factor boundaries are outdated on that link; the categories actually are: very safe ≤19, safe 20-22, moderate 23-25; risky 26-28; crazy 29+).

In addition to helping the forum fight against other f1 forums for the (poorly photoshopped) league trophy, you will be competing for individual awards including:

individual champion (most points on zdkf1, won by sushifiesta in 2010 :1st: and Abnash24 in 2013 :1st:);
6 tenths award (for most league points scored, won by teabagyokel in 2011 :1st: and Abnash24 in 2012 :1st: and 2013 :1st:);
quali trophy (for best pole time predictor, won by rufus_mcdufus in 2010 :1st: and 2011 :1st: and Sardaor in 2014 :1st: and 2015 :1st:);
and the much-coveted bernie medal (for most victories, won by teabagyokel in 2011 :1st: and Abnash24 in 2012 :1st:).

Cliptheapex were 2nd out of 10 last year :2nd:; 2nd out of 11 in 2014 :2nd:; champions in 2013 :1st:; 2nd out of 11 in 2012 :2nd:, and 3rd out of 13 in 2011 :3rd:.

If one of your selected drivers doesn't race, then his replacement will be used instead with the same driver class.

Driver classes aren't up for Australia yet, but will presumably be added soon.

Slightly late predictions can be emailed to and will be included at zdkf1's discretion but if you post them on here too I will at least include them towards the league.

Good luck everyone! :cheers:
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I've made my predictions for Oz and ticked the "send me a reminder e-mail" box so I actually do this.
Looks like a good turnout for cliptheapex :D
Less than 5 hours left before the first prediction deadline! Oz is always a difficult one to predict.
There's been a one-off extension to the prediction deadline, so get signed up and start predicting if you haven't already. :cheers:
[BG=grey]Australia Results[/BG]

First of all I'd like to give a warm welcome to new entrants thefastlane and forumula1 :wave:. With grandprix not taking part this year (their forum is down and their members have abandoned ship) that makes the number of forums in the league the same as the number of f1 teams.
There were 42 predictions across the 11 forums for this race. :thumbsup: If you made a prediction but don't see your name in the top 10 or "also rans" please tell me!
Sardaor takes victory for 2013 champions cliptheapex, with 48 points thanks to 4 spot on and only Grosjean missing from the top 10 :1st:. Titch is also in the points in eighth :cheer:.



scores for also rans from cliptheapex:
34 sushifiesta
33 greenlantern101
31 racecub
31 teabagyokel
27 fb
24 jambo
23 cider_and_toast

League Table
Cliptheapex lead the league after the opening round 8-), 8 points ahead of f1technical:



Quali trophy
The pace was much faster than many of us expected, only four players scored towards the quali trophy this race, 1 point apiece for: sniffit from f1technical; sco from sportsbabble; kai-star from thefastlane; and racecub :cheer: from cliptheapex.
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I'm probably being thick, but how do we get back on to that site zdkf1? Either to look at the scores of to make the next prediction? I get a message saying can't connect to the server if I click the link. Is it maybe not accessible until closer to the race, or am I doing something wrong?
I've been having trouble getting on the zdkf1 site today, I thought it was just me as I was behind a proxy and said the site was fine. :ermmm: I'll email them.
It should be fixed by Monday. :bored: Boring details: zdkf1 moved to a new host this year and yesterday switched the site to windows 2012 hosting on the advice of the hosting company. Unfortunately this involved some DNS changes which take a few hours to propagate around the world. That has now happened but there is an issue with the secure HTTPS connection which the hosting company is currently looking at.
After the second slight hiccup of forgetting my password and mixing up my username and my nickname. I have now predicted for Bahrain!! Geddinthere!!
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