Hermann's Guide To Track Design


Valued Member
Guten tag, guten tag.

Here is Hermann's Guide To Track Design.

So the first thing you need is a pit straight. Pick a good one! An offset start line is essential! [As is a hospitality area - BE]. Oh and you need a grandstand, of course.


It is important that turn 2 is right, and follows down a long straight for another grandstand. Preferably this could keep the paying customers [proles - BE] together. Also the DRS could be used here.


To stop any overtaking down at the end of this long straight, it is a necessity to add a chicane, then end T1. Next is T2.

Now remember I designed Turn 8 at Istanbul [torched it - BE], so I must know something about flow. So maybe we'll have a flowing Timing Sector 2.


As you know, each circuit must have a unique feature, like Valencia's swing bridge or that blue paint at Abu Dhabi or that nice grandstand in Malaysia, so I was thinking maybe a duck pond... [Really? - BE] We could have a corner circumnavigating it!


T3 is important, because it is the last section. It is hence necessary to have a succession of 90 degree turns. Might even bend them round a grandstand. Then, an unnecessary kink
to bring up the corner count. Unfortunanately, that means you're not at 90 degrees to the pit straight. Just do the best you can!


That leaves only one thing left. The pit lane. Now you may say that a pit lane on the outside of Turn 1 is a bad idea, but Korea, Singapore and Abu Dhabi went off with only minimal complaints! Maybe a tight chicane surrounded by the only gravel trap in the country and then a pit exit right into Turn 2.


And there you are, another success. The boss loves these circuits. Who are you to say they aren't very good?
I hat offset start lines, chicanes, endless 90 degree corners, chicanes, stupid kinks which bring up corner counts, chicanes, endless tarmac runoffs, chicanes, another copy of turn 8, chicanes, and a stupid 'signature'.

So pretty much everything on this circuit! :D
What's lower than a prole? Shouldn't the stands on the outside of the track be for them? Ah, sussed it, F1 fans are lower than proles Bernie should plan to put them there.

Almost the perfect Tilke circuit with the exception of the Paddock Club equation. I believe the ratio of Hospitality in Square feet should be inversely proportional to the amount of leg room in the grandstands in square inches. To that end the size of your hospitality area is far too small.
Almost the perfect Tilke circuit with the exception of the Paddock Club equation. I believe the ratio of Hospitality in Square feet should be inversely proportional to the amount of leg room in the grandstands in square inches. To that end the size of your hospitality area is far too small.

Ahh, thats a good point. But it has 12 floors and equal amount of excellent views over the McLaren pit box. (The proles should see half a Maruissa at pit time!)
Very impressive, tooncheese, especially the Aquarium section, and the 3-4-5 chicane. Not sure that hospitality section really leaves room for some gargantuan run-off areas, but all in all a good first attempt!
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