Football Euro 2012

Poland - Group A, [bg=#FFFF00]Ukraine - Group D

POT 1: [bg=#FF0000]Spain, [bg=#FF8800]Netherlands
POT 2: Germany, [bg=#1155BB]Italy, England, [bg=#BB0000]Russia
POT 3: [bg=#FF0000]Croatia, Greece, [bg=#DC0033]Portugal, [bg=#FFDD00]Sweden
POT 4: [bg=#FF0000]Denmark, [bg=#0000AA]France, [bg=#FF3333]Czech Republic, [bg=#22AA22]Republic of Ireland
Poland, Sweden and Ireland would be England's normal group - just to make the exit that bit more embarrassing. Although now we've beaten Sweden once...
[bg=#FEFFFF]Poland[/bg] - Group A, [bg=#FFFF00]Ukraine[/bg] - Group D

POT 1: [bg=#FF0000]Spain[/bg], [bg=#FF8800]Netherlands[/bg]
POT 2: [bg=#FEFFFF]Germany[/bg], [bg=#1155BB]Italy[/bg], [bg=#FEFFFF]England[/bg], [bg=#BB0000]Russia[/bg]
POT 3: [bg=#FF0000]Croatia[/bg], [bg=#FEFFFF]Greece[/bg], [bg=#DC0033]Portugal[/bg], [bg=#FFDD00]Sweden[/bg]
POT 4: [bg=#FF0000]Denmark[/bg], [bg=#0000AA]France[/bg], [bg=#FF3333]Czech Republic[/bg], [bg=#22AA22]Republic of Ireland[/bg]

Lovely bit of colouring in TBY.
Just watched the intro entertainment from Ukraine - hope all the players were watching as they were showcasing the only goal celebrations that will be allowed during the tournament next year. :snigger:
If I were UEFA president, I would ban this event of a draw. How does a women singing out of tune looking like a banana have anything to do with football?
If Scotland actually qualified, then they would have had the easiest group of the lot, Group A.

But no, we go to Czech Republic and play a 4-6-0 formation *sigh*

Could have only been worse for the Republic of Ireland if they had been drawn in Group B.

Republic of Ireland vs Spain - tactical preview:


Ireland (white) will defend extraordinarily deep with Spain (red) attempting to bore them to death by passing the ball between Busquets (16), Alonso (14), Villa (7), Pedro (17), Iniesta (6) and particularly Xavi (6). After 60 minutes of absolutely nothing happening because Ireland refuse to move, Del Bosque will make three changes bringing on Fabregas (for Alonso), Silva (for Pedro) and Torres (for a laugh/Villa). Trappatoni will respond by removing Keane (10) and bringing on Darren O'Dea to fit between Dunne (4) and St. Ledger (4) as the game peters out to a 0-0 draw with exactly nothing happening
Netherlands vs Portugal tactical preview based on historical data:


At the kick-off de Jong (8) and Van Bommel (6) will assault Ronaldo (7) leading to a 21 man brawl which will last the entire match while only Robben (11) skulks off.
Looking forward to the Holland - Germany match already. One to watch through your fingers.

Yeah, most people in England think that England is Germany's biggest rival, nope, most Germans couldn't give two figs about Germany V England, It's Germany V Holland that's the match to win. I laughed as soon as I watched it come out of the pot.
Its one of football's biggest rivalries, its two of the best three teams in the world. Its the echoes of the 1974 World Cup final (Holland piss around and lose), Rikjaard spitting etc.

Its the game of the round by a mile (with a doff of the cap to Spain vs Italy).

(In fact if you think about it, Spain have the worst group they could have got. They have 3 teams who are naturally quite defensive, reasonably astute and without delusions of trying to outplay them. The triple-Swiss, if you like!)
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