Grand Prix 2012 Malaysian Grand Prix Practice, Qualifying & Race Discussion

Someone other than Vettel is leading the Championship!

It may be strange to see, but for the first time since Abu Dhabi 2010 someone other than Sebastian Vettel is top of the Championship after Jenson Button won the Australian Grand Prix in commanding fashion with Vettel second and a folorn Hamilton falling foul of a safety car which allowed the German through.

Going into Malaysia it seems apparent that Mclaren have the strongest car as they were far and away the strongest team in Australia and it was only after having to fuel save for 90% of the race that let Red Bull get within distance, when Button and Hamilton were at full throttle for the first 8 laps, they pulled away at over a second a lap which provided a comfortable cushion even though it was wiped out by a safety car due to Vitaly Petrov breaking down on the main straight.

But the Australian Grand Prix raised more questions than it did provide answers, the only thing that we learned was that the not quite so new teams are still as bad as they were last season and Mclaren and Red Bull are the two fastest teams. Ferrari had a shocking qualifying but Fernando Alonso managed to drag it kicking and screaming into 5th place which suggests a better race pace compared to qualifying pace while beleaguered Felipe Massa trundled around in midfield like he was on a Sunday drive in the Australian parks.

lotus are the only team where a question mark still remains about the general competitiveness. Roman Grosjean qualified a remarkable third but was taken out early on by Maldando while returning champion Kimi Raikkonnen failed to get out of first qualifying but managed to fight through the field to finish a very strong seventh which suggests that they do have a strong car but need to ally qualifying with race pace if they are to take the fight to the top teams.

In 2011 Malaysia was a race full of pit stops due to the high degradation of the Pirelli tyres, and while the tyres this year are more conservative and stable, high degradation is still to be expecting and several pit stops are going to be the norm with an unpredictable weekend to come. The only thing to expect is the likelihood of a massive shower at some point during the weekend which would no doubt spice things up.

For Galahad's excellent circuit write up, see here
I thought Webber was better in the race last week, if we excuse his start. The car has moved away from Vettel and towards Webber. I'm sure of it. What does this say about Vettel's completeness?
Lewis flat spotted a set of tyres with that first fast lap in Q3?
Hope the McLarens stay in front of Schumi, they have had bad experienes of following him...for lap after lap.
Hope LH gets a bit of luck tomorrow, he had bad luck with the safety car last week.
Sorry to break every one's happy bubble but is the option tyre not worth atleast 0.5 seconds over prime? if so Vettel is on net pole

What is net pole? Is that something that happens in a parallel universe.

The tyres were pretty equal too. Vettel was on the tyre he felt was quickest for him. How is it that you disagree?
I think it is quite clear, as Martin admitted too, that the decision is strategic. 9 of top 10 going on softer tyre indicates it was the faster tyre, but Vettel went for longer game and the slower tyre and still was only 0.4 s off pole.
I think it is quite clear, as Martin admitted too, that the decision is strategic. 9 of top 10 going on softer tyre indicates it was the faster tyre, but Vettel went for longer game and the slower tyre and still was only 0.4 s off pole.

No it indicates that they want to save prime tyres for the race as they last longer. Vettel said in his interview that he went for the hard tyre because he felt it was quicker. He was quite explicit about it. 0.4s off pole is also less than the tyre difference over 1 lap which is between 0 and 2 tents depending which car you are driving.
Looks like that lockup cost Lewis about 2 tenths. His sectors compared to JB were:-

S1: LH 24.8, JB 25.0
S2: LH 32.2, JB 32.4
S3: LH 39.1, JB 38.9

I'm a little worried about that lockup though - it could damage his first stint, which as we saw last year, pitting too early could damage the whole race. Hopefully that won't be a problem and then I think we'll have a massive fight between the McLarens and Red Bulls.

I think Red Bull seem slightly better at looking after their tyres here and also may even have a slight pace advantage so it could end up with McLaren holding on over the last stint and could be an epic battle.
I thought Webber was better in the race last week, if we excuse his start. The car has moved away from Vettel and towards Webber. I'm sure of it. What does this say about Vettel's completeness?

I put it down to the EBD...for the explanation of Vettel's and Webber's performance in quali difference... I know its 2-0 to Mark but that won;t matter if Seb beats him in the race but then people will start pointing out it did make a difference

The odds seems to be Button for the win given he performs better over a race on his tyres

Vettel has got some seriously fast cars and feisty drivers between himself and the Mclarens to get the long straights make the Red Bull vulnerable to attack
I thought Webber was better in the race last week, if we excuse his start. The car has moved away from Vettel and towards Webber. I'm sure of it. What does this say about Vettel's completeness?

You all know that Vettel is not exactly my favorite driver. But I think you are being a little unfair towards him here:). A driver can only be competitive if he's given not a only a quick car (in an abstract way) but a car in which he himself can drive quickly. I think all of the six world champions on the grid have previously been in situations, when they had cars which weren't quick or didn't suit their style. They're not all inclomplete drivers because they didn't blow everbody else away in these cars, are they?

MSC: 1996, 2010, 2011
Kimi: 2008
Button: Earth Car, and whatever those Hondas were called
Alonso: 2008, 2009
Hamilton: 2009
Vettel: Maybe this year!
Sorry to break every one's happy bubble but is the option tyre not worth atleast 0.5 seconds over prime? if so Vettel is on net pole

On Vettel's first run in Q3 he was on medium tyres and was slower than almost everyone else, and only a tenth ahead of Alonso in the Ferrari. He went 6 tenths quicker on the harder tyre - so surely that puts your theory out of the window? Lots of people have already said this weekend and it has been obvious through practice that for some cars and some drivers they can actually get an equal if not better lap on the hard tyre if they feel more confidence in it due to a better balance.

I think Webber's lap was more impressive than Vettel's. He was only a tenth off the front row when the Red Bull is clearly struggling in qualifying. Had Rosberg put a lap together and Grosjean matched Kimi then forgetting Kimi's penalty, Red Bull could have easily been starting 7th and 8th.
You all know that Vettel is not exactly my favorite driver. But I think you are being a little unfair towards him here:). A driver can only be competitive if he's given not a only a quick car (in an abstract way) but a car in which he himself can drive quickly. I think all of the six world champions on the grid have previously been in situations, when they had cars which weren't quick or didn't suit their style. They're not all inclomplete drivers because they didn't blow everbody else away in these cars, are they?

MSC: 1996, 2010, 2011
Kimi: 2008
Button: Earth Car, and whatever those Hondas were called
Alonso: 2008, 2009
Hamilton: 2009
Vettel: Maybe this year!

Vettel is in the 2nd fastest car which is a near match for Mclaren in the race when in clear air. The one other question for Seb is can he win from fighting from lower grid positions
It is noticeable though that he does not look as fast now without the EBD in the back of the Red Bull
I see your point, but when when Hamilton had a poor car he got the most out of it. Webber is proving that Vettel isn't.

I do appreciate that I have been a bit harsh, but every time I watch Vettel it is with a big question mark over his head. The questions about him which are supposedly unanswered keep getting answered. It is a big point of interest for me. It's not that I want to see him fail, it's just that I want to create a full picture of him. I have my hypothesis and the evidence to support it continues to grow.
Wow, Red Bull are sure slow on the straights. Check out this -

Vettel is 14 KPH down on Schumi and 10 KPH down on Hamilton. OK, Schumi's could be partly due to their super DRS but surely that means the RB's will struggle to pass the McLarens and Mercs during the race. Saying this, RB do run a skinny rear wing so maybe their relative straight line speed will be better in the race.

Red Bull can't start blaming their engine because look at the Lotus cars, they're nearly as fast as Schumi. It's obvious their car still causes a lot of drag, or well their mechanisms of generating downforce still hurt them on the straights. The issue for them now is that McLaren for example are equal or quicker than them round the corners but still have a big speed advantage on the straights.
Wow, Red Bull are sure slow on the straights. Check out this -

Vettel is 14 KPH down on Schumi and 10 KPH down on Hamilton. OK, Schumi's could be partly due to their super DRS but surely that means the RB's will struggle to pass the McLarens and Mercs during the race. Saying this, RB do run a skinny rear wing so maybe their relative straight line speed will be better in the race.

Red Bull can't start blaming their engine because look at the Lotus cars, they're nearly as fast as Schumi. It's obvious their car still causes a lot of drag, or well their mechanisms of generating downforce still hurt them on the straights. The issue for them now is that McLaren for example are equal or quicker than them round the corners but still have a big speed advantage on the straights.

Which is why Vettel hopes he can make a good start and clear a few cars

He's got Rosberg and Grosjean plus an angry Alonso behind him all three with their own point to prove

Plus Raikkonen

On the hard tyres initially Vettel is going to form a train behind him if he is not too careful
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