Poll Was it on purpose?

Did Rosberg do it deliberately?

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Different laps have different circumstances. Take a look at Kvyat, he had quite different laps in two consecutive laps and I doubt that really proves anything sinister. I didn't see anything at real time that suggests any wrongdoing, frankly.
This is my first comment on the subject and I believe he did not do it on purpose at the time it looked like a mistake and I just don't think Nico is the kind of bloke to even consider doing something like that, also about the reversing he may have felt he had to get back to the pits under the cars own steam as the car was not damaged and did not stall he may have thought that if he parked it he would be sent to the back of the grid for failing to do so as other have been in the past including Lewis and Vettel.

I believe that will be my only post on the subject, as everything else has been said already and many more times than once.

But like gethinceri said it was probably Jenson's fault.;)
he may have felt he had to get back to the pits under the cars own steam as the car was not damaged and did not stall he may have thought that if he parked it he would be sent to the back of the grid for failing to do so
There is no such rule nor stipulation in this instance.

One would hope Rosberg knows the rules.
I think it is definitely the fault of Tilke. Oh wait, this is the ONE circuit he DIDN'T design! Never mind!
Maybe Rosberg is so calculated he can crash on purpose without making it look suspicious?
At first, I thought it was a genuine mistake, and I still do, but the fiddling on the steering and how late the lock up came added with the convenience brought out the cynical side, I can't seem to find onboard of anyone else actually crashing or going down the escape road at Mirabeau but I'd like to see a side by side of them
One thing is clear from the earlier video and that is that the yellow flags were out before Rosberg had stopped, let alone started to reverse.

Presumably this is because of the danger that if another car did the same it would have been quite possible that Rosberg's car could have been hit hard.
There is no doubt that the car was sufficiently far down the escape road that there was no need for yellow flags. Rosberg was almost in France! Although he was out of control at the point where he left the track at Mirabeau, Rosberg himself was well in control by the time he came to a stop. For another car, as Bill Boddy suggests, to hit his car hard, they would need to be massively out of control (in which case they would pose just as great a risk to moving as to stationary vehicles, Señor Maldonado).
Why else would the marshals use yellow flags?

What I am saying is that Rosberg did not cause the yellow flags by using reverse gear, they were there before he stopped the car and were still there ten seconds after they started to be waved whilst he was fiddling with his steering wheel when the video stopped. To go any further than that the video would need to be longer and we would need to know how far Hamilton was behind Rosberg.
I think that's kind-of the point. Lewis was so close anyway (wasn't he the next car behind? correct me if I'm wrong) that he would've got caught by the yellow flag that was immediately waved once Nico went off anyhow. I do personally think the situation is a bit odd, particularly reversing so soon and not waiting for everyone to finish their laps, but I do think Lewis's lap would've been compromised anyway. It doesn't really make a huge amount of difference anyhow, particularly as the safety car will probably randomize the whole field anyway and hand Chilton his first deserving win.

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