The Olympics 2012

A fantastic day to be British :1st:
There were shouts & screams in our house & lots of emotion.
The sound of the crowd in the stadium was amazing.
So happy for all the gold medal winners today & immensely proud at the efforts of the silver & bronze winners (my heart went out to the rowers...) ~ well done lads & lasses :victory:
SPOTY is going to be wide open - Jess?? Wiggo?? the only thing that's sure is it won't be the British football team!
Now we'll be willing on Andy, Laura, Ben & the others tomorrow...
Did you notice the Russian Heptapthlete was nearly as tall as Ennis even standing on the Bronze step LOL A good little 'un beats a good big 'un :thumbsup:


First thought that came to me on seeing her was "Blimey, isn't that Drago out of "Rocky IV"?
Continuing my beach volleyball signalling theme...

This is Liliana Steiner Fernandez of Spain signalling something - who cares what.

HammydiRestarules - there's about 10 or 12 people who deserve SPOTY. I'd still go for the Modfather, but Ennis and Farah have serious claims now. Andy Murray could get there, Hoy, Laura Trott and Pendleton have events left and loads of sailors are in good positions.

British cycling are still the greatest team of the lot.

John Terry probably thinks he's in with a chance. LOL
I do wish people would stop referring to St Stephens Tower as Big Ben! Not just in the Olympic late show but all the time, earlier this year I watched a whole news story about how Big Ben was starting to lean to one side, no it isn't! Come on guys try and get it right for fucks sake, Big Ben is the bloody bell not the clock tower....
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