Music The Music Thread

Music is not terrible these days. You are just listening to the wrong music. Don't let yourself be fed that crap chart music. There are other choices. My advice is to stay away from Capital FM / Radio 1 and you'll be safe. Try 6music if you haven't given it a shot yet.
Society doesn't let them, bad parents do. Either way I don't see what harm it will do, I used to listen to Barbie Girl as a wee mucker and that song is suggestive. To kids it's just a catchy song and no more, unless some idiot explained what it meant then there's no harm done.
I didn't mean to bash a style of music. I think you have misinterpreted. I am more critical of the prevalence of poor quality music. Music is like food. There are well cooked pies and badly cooked pies of different fillings. A pie which is not necessarily your favourite filling but is well cooked can often be more appealing than a badly cooked pie which is made with your favourite filling. If all you are fed is crap pies, which most of society is, then you'll not learn to appreciate a good pie.

Any artist/ "song" banging on and on about having their c**k sucked (no matter how pathetically veiled) is innapropriate in my eyes when aimed at a young market, including children and played on prime-time national radio. There's no justification for it. It's plain wrong - as well as being a terrible piece of "music".
If anyone likes prog then take a listen to Magma, but listen to all of it to get a good idea of what its about. IMO only three Pink Floyd albums are better than this. Three!

Yes, say what you like about the devil. I don't know if he's got the best tunes but he certainly inspires them. Good old devil.

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