Music The Music Thread

OK. I've heald off promoting my own band on here because I didn't want you guys to think I was a spammer but I guess I've been here long enough now for you to know I'm not so I'll post a link up here and you can have a listen[fulltext]=Monkee+Sez+No

I like 'Mean Streets of LE' and 'Conservatory Fantasy' best if you want to start there. I realise its prob not everyones cup of tea though so I don't expect reviews.
The new Smashing Pumpkins album Oceania is streaming on iTunes this week for free.

I SERIOUSLY advise a listen...or ten.

It's bleeping amazing.

I'm using this video to support my rant about today's music.

Honestly a song about Flo Rida wanting girls to suck his d**k has got to number 2 in the charts. The terrible thing is that this is the sort of song that could be sung by primary school kids without them actually knowing what it means.

I hate people in my age group for buying this abortion of a song.
Yep I'm not gonna say anything about me liking this song but I agree, I like the tune, not the lyrics, makes no sense why you would sing about that?
May I recommend BBC 6music to anyone who wants their ears protected from bad music but that has an eclectic taste in goo music?

That was rhetorical. You have my recomendation.
I listen to 6 Music a lot, since I got DAB in the car it's 5 Extra for TMS, 4 Extra for The Men From The Ministry and 6 at all other times. Keep an ear out for my cooking tips on Craig Charles' Funk and Soul Show!
Bus Stop Chicane with regards to todays music I got on iTunes today and was going through the top 100 songs. I counted 78 songs that I either didn't bother listening to or couldn't stand for five seconds. How do people like this s***?

Only 78??

To be fair there are some which are good guilty pleasure songs but there is just way too many songs about sex in the charts. The scarier thing is these songs seem to be more popular with young girls, even the ones which objectify women quite badly. Slap a terrible dance beat on it and it sells, unfortunately.

I'm also sick of songs asking me to "put my hands in the air". I rarely dance but when I do I never do that.
I listen mostly at work so I get a bit of Sean Keaveny followed by Lauren Laverne then Radcliffe and Maconie after lunch followed by Steve Lemacq before I leave to jump back on the train. I really want to catch Craig Charles' Fnk and Soul show, but I'm usually busy at the weekends. I'll have to have a go.

When I'm not listening to 6 music I've got Spotify on tap from my iPhone.
CBC (Canada's version of BBC) has a digital music service called, surprise surprise, cbc music ( I don't know if it works overseas but it's a good alternative.
Bus Stop Chicane Ya well some of the 22 I listened to past five seconds I decided were just OK. But ya it was all either country or about sex. So ya its bad. Personally I like rock and alternative music, a little bit of indie too. But there are definitely a lot of those songs about sex that dont have the dance beat. Thing is theyre not popular with young females.
Music is terrible these days, horrible lyrics, same old dance beat, yet somehow they sell??? Since the past 2-3 years music has changed too much, it's just the same old crap these days, I would like to blame Lady Gaga, David Guetta, Rihanna and a few others.

Then when some refreshing song comes up, people just kill it by playing it soo much.

Chart music is just so bad at the moment.
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