The 2011 Season

Not sure where to put this I didn't think it needed a new topic.Anyone else spot this.
Q. (Bob McKenzie – The Daily Express) Lewis, Todt said that, had you not written, he was thinking about a six race ban, so was that in your mind when you wrote, and do you think you're lucky not to have had that sort of thing?

LH: It wasn't in mind, no, but just as I said earlier, I just had time to reflect on the weekend and I wrote a sincere apology to Jean and to the FIA and I got a great letter back, so after that I was able to put it behind me and I'm very grateful to be here. I do want what's best for the sport and I want to be able to contribute to improving the sport and making things great here.
I think that shows that it def an angry outburst by Lewis after a bad day at the office and that after thinking about it he truly reasiles it was a bit of a mistake to say.

I also think the FIA have handled this very well although Todt did mention the 6 race ban thing thats probably more of a warning for anyone saying anything like this again. I think in the days of Mr Mosley this may have been handled very differently.
I don't know how we can establish how much is McLaren telling him what to say, how much is Hamilton saying what is best for his own interests, and how much is genuine sorrow and regret at the comments.

This is an area I find very difficult in modern F1. You could always tell when Piquet Snr. was lying - his lips would move. ;)
Thanks Sportsman, hadn't seen that, and I doubt many other people will have seen it either. Quotes like that don't quite garner the Headlines or the Web Traffic that the post-Monaco comments did.

Hopefully we've heard the last of this. I much prefer when Lewis does his talking on the circuit, and I think he's got a lot to say this weekend.
Here's a quick guide to the tyre allocations that each driver gets across the race weekend.


Essentially, each driver starts with two sets of Prime (harder) compound and one set of Option (softer) on Friday morning.
At the end of FP1, one set of the Prime tyres must be returned to Pirelli.
The driver then goes into FP2 with one set of Prime and one set of Option.
At the end of FP2, both of those sets of tyres are returned to Pirelli.

On Saturday morning the driver gets eight completely new sets of tyres; four Prime and four Option.
At the end of FP3, the driver must return one set of Prime and one set of Option to Pirelli.
This leaves him with three sets of each compound. These must last him through qualifying and the race.

The allocations of intermediate and wet tyres are four sets and three sets respectively, to last throughout the weekend. No new wet or intermediate tyres are provided for qualifying or the race.

On occasion Pirelli may provide an additional set of tyres for the FP1 and FP2 practice sessions for evaluation purposes. These tyres must be returned at the end of FP2 and cannot be carried forward into the Saturday or Sunday running.
Well if he did something, then I am sure the "freedom of speech" card would have been used.

But calling other drivers an all time low.

First of all Lewis didn't call the drivers stupid, but that they were ridiculous. He said, " These drivers are ridiculous. it's stupid ".

So you feel that Hamilton's comments are an all time low......really. What do you have to say, when David Coulthard commenting on an incident involving himself and Felipe Massa, and said that if Felipe doesn't doesn't accept his responsibility that, " He will kick 3 balls of shit out of the little bastard ".......nice comment!
First of all Lewis didn't call the drivers stupid, but that they were ridiculous. He said, " These drivers are ridiculous. it's stupid ".

So you feel that Hamilton's comments are an all time low......really. What do you have to say, when David Coulthard commenting on an incident involving himself and Felipe Massa, and said that if Felipe doesn't doesn't accept his responsibility that, " He will kick 3 balls of shit out of the little bastard ".......nice comment!

He didn't call them "stupid" then, but he did however call them "ridiculous" which is more or less the same...

Yes I do feel they are quite low as he accused several drivers of being "ridiculous", whatever Coulthard said is irrelevant to this matter, even though his comment is just as bad as he is threatening (well appears to be threatening) another driver.

I am not going to say anything else on this matter as far as I am concerned this discussion if continued will last forever and derail this thread. And I have also stated my points, no need for me to state them again.

Good day to you :goodday:
although Todt did mention the 6 race ban thing thats probably more of a warning for anyone saying anything like this again. I think in the days of Mr Mosley this may have been handled very differently.

I think the six race ban was a dig at his predecessor. Hamilton would've almost certianly been hauled before a kangaroo court of some sort under Max, so you're not wrong there.
I think that shows that it def an angry outburst by Lewis after a bad day at the office and that after thinking about it he truly reasiles it was a bit of a mistake to say.

I also think the FIA have handled this very well although Todt did mention the 6 race ban thing thats probably more of a warning for anyone saying anything like this again. I think in the days of Mr Mosley this may have been handled very differently.

You can take it to the bank that Mosley would have taken more draconian action against Hamilton, especially with Alan Donnelly who acted as his representative at F1 races.

IMO, I believe that Lewis wouldn't have had his 2008 victory at Spa taken away, if it wasn't for Alan Donnelly.
Race Hub updated:

Vettel and Red Bull extend their respective leads in each championship.
Button jumps to 2nd.
Hamilton drops to 4th.
Alonso is now almost 100 points, or 4 wins off the lead.

Hmm Montreal was a big RBR moral victory to defeat McLaren at a McLaren stronghold is huge and Vettel extending his lead which almost looks a formality now.

From Ferrari and Alonso I think from the press out of the team and other media agencies suggest like it is now, "how close can we get", Alonso will want to do everything in his power to be respectfully close to the front runners, though Ferrari need to produce a worthwhile drive for that to happen.
4 wins off the lead??? :shocked:

And I am told that the situation ain't that bad, it is 4 wins (or 3 and a 2nd/3rd) with vettel not scoring at all, seems like a stretch to me, someone can be forgiven for Alonso's rather shrugged shoulders meh approach. Possible yes, probable no.
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