Current Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton MBE

A place to put all the posts from all the other threads primarily but love him or hate him, and even for the indifferent amongst us this is the place to discuss the marmite that is Lewis Hamilton, to learn a thing or two about his rise, talk about those controversial, genius or mad moments and something that i am bemused by, the recent articles that suggest something quite different to my perception of what's going on. Any experiences of meeting LH?

Brundle had to write a Lewis Hamilton article recently and in my tweets (which were probably ignored) I asked him to talk about LH the driver not LH the personality. It seems that you can't have one without the other.

So as a starter for ten, here is a fairly recent LH article. Posts should not be limited to this link but it can get some discussion going.

The only banned topic as it is clearly ridiculous involves these four things "Glock" "2008" "Brazil" "conspiracy"
From The Telegraph talking to Adrian Sutil...

Hamilton already wasn't popular with the other drivers with most people knowing that Sutil and Kovalainen in particular are his strongest allies, wih Sutil out of F1 he's lost a fellow driver and friend.

Being unpopular amongst drivers isn't something new for Lewis, which he has had to deal with, going all the way back to his karting days.

From The Telegraph talking to Adrian Sutil...

Hamilton already wasn't popular with the other drivers with most people knowing that Sutil and Kovalainen in particular are his strongest allies, wih Sutil out of F1 he's lost a fellow driver and friend.

We dont really know the facts about this case. If Lewis has refused to help a friend then thats disappointing....but its not like Lewis to do that. On the other hand, he was called by the prosecution, not the defence...and Sutil has been found guilty. So what was he wanting from lewis? Did he want him to be economical with the truth? If so then Sutl is the one abusing a friendship.Lewis has been put in that position by people he trusted before, I cant im\agine he or Mclaren are keen that he goes there again.
We dont really know the facts about this case. If Lewis has refused to help a friend then thats disappointing....but its not like Lewis to do that. On the other hand, he was called by the prosecution, not the defence...and Sutil has been found guilty. So what was he wanting from lewis? Did he want him to be economical with the truth? If so then Sutl is the one abusing a friendship.Lewis has been put in that position by people he trusted before, I cant im\agine he or Mclaren are keen that he goes there again.

Am I missing something? :s
Im not so sure Hamilton should be rushing to resign with Mclaren.Id have loved the fairy story, Mclaren boy from start to finnish.But things have changed . Lewis should play his hands close to his chest and look out for himself.

Lewis does not have the stock that he used to. That's not to say that he couldn't regain it, but not doing everything he can to ensure he retains a seat at McLaren could have disastrous consequences unless he has a better offer on the table elsewhere with a guaranteed winning car and that is a guarantee that nobody can make.

[EDIT] I just read that back to myself. Has anyone seen where my punctuation output generator has gone? I appear to have misplaced it.
We dont really know the facts about this case. If Lewis has refused to help a friend then thats disappointing....but its not like Lewis to do that. On the other hand, he was called by the prosecution, not the defence...and Sutil has been found guilty.

And if Lewis had done more to help the obviously guilty and maybe unfortunate Sutil, it probably would have been to no avail, and we would have the attacks about how naive he is to put friendship before carer. His focus and determination and mental state would be questioned for backing a convicted felon against possible future employers, sponsors etc

After seeing the famous mincing run by Sutil, its hard to imagine that his definition of coward will trouble the battle of little Bighorn in the history books.
I cannot help thinking that no one really knows what happened, myself included. Was it really a case that Adrian was simply drunk and was really just trying to throw the contents of the glass? Or was it a thrown punch, and intentional? The fact that he was found guilty may be the result of evidence which was never covered, due to a witness being absent.

I am no expert on Lewis, however, I am fairly sure that no one here can say why he did not attend the court case, nor what he saw in the night club, but we seem to know what would have hapened if he had testified. But hey ho.

Personally, I cannot find the enthusiasm to get worked up about the whole Lewis/Adrian friendship thing, it is a bit of a non story, unfortunately it gave the daily fail another cheap shot headline, but beyond that i feels like tomorrows chip papers.

Hopefully come testing and the start of the season, we will have better things to talk about.
Lewis does not have the stock that he used to. That's not to say that he couldn't regain it, but not doing everything he can to ensure he retains a seat at McLaren could have disastrous consequences unless he has a better offer on the table elsewhere with a guaranteed winning car and that is a guarantee that nobody can make.

[EDIT] I just read that back to myself. Has anyone seen where my punctuation output generator has gone? I appear to have misplaced it.
Lewis had a bad year. he's still one of the top three driveres. Button didnt rush to sign last year, lewis cetainly doesnt need to this year.
PS. Punctuality, is overrated;)
Lewis had a bad year. he's still one of the top three driveres. Button didnt rush to sign last year, lewis cetainly doesnt need to this year.
PS. Punctuality, is overrated;)

I don't doubt that Lewis is one of the top drivers for a minute. Amy Winehouse was one of the best singers of her gneration too. OK, that was a bit sensationalist but I suspect a lot of teams would view him as a bit of handful at the minute. He's got some work to do this year to become as attractive a proposition as he was 18 months ago. Our opinions of him don't really count for much unless we are looking to launch an F1 team.
I don't doubt that Lewis is one of the top drivers for a minute. Amy Winehouse was one of the best singers of her gneration too. OK, that was a bit sensationalist but I suspect a lot of teams would view him as a bit of handful at the minute. He's got some work to do this year to become as attractive a proposition as he was 18 months ago. Our opinions of him don't really count for much unless we are looking to launch an F1 team.

This is very true. Unfortunately running an F1 team isnt on my agenda. But I'd handle Lewis, he's easy, straightforward, what you see is what you get , not political and fast.I can understanf Ferrari being cautious, but thats not because of any problem Lewis would bring, its the problem theyd have with their current lead driver. Lewis had difficulties last year but no where near an Amy Winehouse situation, not even on the same measuring stick!. he had some siuations that were exacperated by bad luck and werent handled particularly well by all concerned. But i bet the team managers out there would just love a stab at running Lewis.
But I'd handle Lewis, he's easy, straightforward, what you see is what you get , not political and fast.I can understanf Ferrari being cautious, but thats not because of any problem Lewis would bring, its the problem theyd have with their current lead driver. Lewis had difficulties last year but no where near an Amy Winehouse situation, not even on the same measuring stick!. he had some siuations that were exacperated by bad luck and werent handled particularly well by all concerned. But i bet the team managers out there would just love a stab at running Lewis.

Not a leading question, but how do you know? I am not saying that you are wrong, however, I am not able to understand how you can make the assertion that "What you see is what you get" when you dont see what you dont see.
Not a leading question, but how do you know? I am not saying that you are wrong, however, I am not able to understand how you can make the assertion that "What you see is what you get" when you dont see what you dont see.
:DAnd I may not be right:dunno:He just doesnt strike me as a guy with guile. he wants to race cars as fast as he can and he is not good at playing politics. He says things as he sees and feels them, they are then twisted and used against him. If I was running Lewis Id keep him away from all the poiltical intrigue and sneaky drivers and just let him race. There would be someone else to deal with the crap. Might not work, but Id give it a shot.
:DAnd I may not be right:dunno:He just doesnt strike me as a guy with guile. he wants to race cars as fast as he can and he is not good at playing politics. He says things as he sees and feels them, they are then twisted and used against him. If I was running Lewis Id keep him away from all the poiltical intrigue and sneaky drivers and just let him race. There would be someone else to deal with the crap. Might not work, but Id give it a shot.

Being unpopular amongst drivers isn't something new for Lewis, which he has had to deal with, going all the way back to his karting days.


Yeah Lewis has had to deal upper class white elitism when he was young who picked on his lower class ethnic background by rivals thinking he should not be on the same piece of track as them

Going back to Sutil's case is Adrian bitter LEwis did not ring to say good luck or he did not back him up in court ? Also it could be a sponsors or team decision remember the car launch was on the same day so that is not going to go down well with the sponsors that he was not there with the rest of the team. It was bragging rights for MClaren to launch it live at Vodafone I think

For Adrian the timing is unfortunate but who else in the F1 paddock offered him support then as he was meant to be good friends with Rosberg as well ?
And if Lewis had done more to help the obviously guilty and maybe unfortunate Sutil, it probably would have been to no avail, and we would have the attacks about how naive he is to put friendship before carer. His focus and determination and mental state would be questioned for backing a convicted felon against possible future employers, sponsors etc.

Not to mention that to mention that "helping out" a friend who nearly killed someone is morally dubious. I endorse Lewis's behaviour and hope not to see Sutil in F1 again.
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