Current Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton MBE

A place to put all the posts from all the other threads primarily but love him or hate him, and even for the indifferent amongst us this is the place to discuss the marmite that is Lewis Hamilton, to learn a thing or two about his rise, talk about those controversial, genius or mad moments and something that i am bemused by, the recent articles that suggest something quite different to my perception of what's going on. Any experiences of meeting LH?

Brundle had to write a Lewis Hamilton article recently and in my tweets (which were probably ignored) I asked him to talk about LH the driver not LH the personality. It seems that you can't have one without the other.

So as a starter for ten, here is a fairly recent LH article. Posts should not be limited to this link but it can get some discussion going.

The only banned topic as it is clearly ridiculous involves these four things "Glock" "2008" "Brazil" "conspiracy"
That's what I said. Fickle regarding the driver so long as the red car wins. I meant what you've just said. Maybe it came out wrong.
Something about the thought of Lewis in a red car doesn't work for me. Purple, well that would be fine...

With Hamilton's luck he will join the purple team just as they make a massive boo boo and are in trouble with the FIA and the third time doesn't turn out to be the charm.....

The blokes a jinx....
Hamilton has obviously done the right thing for this season but possibly not for the long term. I can't see Mercedes letting him go to Red Bull whereas if he had still been at McLaren it could have been a possibility.
So Mansell says Lewis has loads of time and championships left whilst Damon Hill says he's wasted his talent

I don't believe that Lewis, after completing only 6 years in F1, and with the possibilities in 2010 and 2012 of securing another WDC, career was squandered and lost, as Damon said....:rolleyes: .
Mansell raced in the time when drivers didn't really think about fitness so much, he was always huffing and puffing falling over after a race and looking completely knackered, like he said he won his WDC at 39 years old I very much doubt he could have done that with today's level of fitness required from a driver.

Today a driver has to be fit to compete Jenson keeps himself fit by doing triathlons Lewis is more into bulking up for some reason, putting on muscle doesn't make you fit in fact I doubt there is a bodybuilder out there who could even complete the swimming part of a triathlon let alone the bike ride and the run..

I also very much doubt whether Lewis could complete a triathlon, he is winging it at the moment due to his youth, but wait until the years and his life style catches up with him, he will go down hill faster than most if he's not careful and I think it is this that Damon was alluding too, Damon won his WDC aged 36 when was the last time anyone over the age of 30 (Apart from Schumacher who was always the king of fitness.) won a WDC?
Where do you get the idea that Lewis 'bulks up' he's on reord as saying its not about bulking up and he doesn't like some of the gym work, but he does it....because its what's necessary and what his trainer tells him to do. he prefers to go for a run and that forms the basis of his training. Heres an article where he answers questions about his training

Here's another article giving detail of his excercise regime. It doesn't sound like a guy who's 'winging it because of his youth' to me. It sounds like a dedicated sportsman doing all he can to remain at peak fitness
Mephistopheles having been witness to the kind of regime a driver goes through, and the kind of levels of fitness required, there is no way inn frick that anyone could "wing it". Also, the regimes are very specific in building strength without building bulk, as weight is the enemy.

Cardio is largely down to the drivers preference, but I can assure you, all the drivers are super fit, and there is no hiding place in a modern f1 car if you are even slightly off peak.

So whatever you may think, he is as well conditioned as anyone on the grid.
Plus your point about drivers from Mansell's era doesn't stand either. By the time the sport reached the 90's the drivers were having to cope with massive amounts of G Force and needed to be of a certain level of fitness to survive. They weren't at the sports science level of today but they weren't smoking a fag and jumping in the car like in the 60's and 70's.

I've only seen one driver 'fall all over the place' and that was Mansell when he was trying to push his two ton car over the line in full race gear in ridiculous heat.
You may notice a whole slew of posts have been removed from this thread. Please do not use any thread on this site to make a comment on the posts and behaviours of other contributors, whether or not you believe their comments to be justified and/or motivated by spite.

I would also like to issue a general warning concerning making posts on a thread with the sole intention of causing discord by making increasingly unreasonable attacks on drivers with large fanbases within the forum.
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