Current Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton MBE

A place to put all the posts from all the other threads primarily but love him or hate him, and even for the indifferent amongst us this is the place to discuss the marmite that is Lewis Hamilton, to learn a thing or two about his rise, talk about those controversial, genius or mad moments and something that i am bemused by, the recent articles that suggest something quite different to my perception of what's going on. Any experiences of meeting LH?

Brundle had to write a Lewis Hamilton article recently and in my tweets (which were probably ignored) I asked him to talk about LH the driver not LH the personality. It seems that you can't have one without the other.

So as a starter for ten, here is a fairly recent LH article. Posts should not be limited to this link but it can get some discussion going.

The only banned topic as it is clearly ridiculous involves these four things "Glock" "2008" "Brazil" "conspiracy"
rosbergs driving style is finely tuned to this merc,he has had to get used to this tyre eating merc over the seasons.

lewis is not used to driving such a car,and so he will need time to adjust.

from the very first race of the season nico has said he feels completely comfortable in the car,lewis has said he doesnt.

also when it comes to braking,what lewis said in the pre race interview on sky about his dad making him break later than previous f1 champions,shows how much lewis relys on late breaking to get the maximum time out of the car.
so lewis having little confidence on the breaks will mean he needs to break earlier than he likes,which means he has to drive with caution,and that will always lose you time.
when lewis gets on top of things,they will clearly see the difference compared to now.
A classic example of something being blown out of proportion.

As the pursuing Fernando Alonso closed in on the Briton's W04 during the latter stages of Sunday's race, Hamilton's patience with a coded message - offering reassurance that his tyres could be pushed harder - from the pitwall apparently snapped as be barked back: "Please just let me drive, man."
The exchange has been described as a 'rant' by some quarters of the British media, but Hamilton has insisted he was simply striving to remain focused in the heat of battle.

I heard the radio message and I don't recall it sounding like Hamilton was barking or ranting.
In fact, it sounded less harsh than Raikkonen's response a few races ago.
Yeah the phrase storm in a teacup springs to mind. Sounded like a simple "hey guys I've got one of the best drivers in the world chasing me down here and I'm concentrating really hard and when you give me pointless stats over the radio it distracts me" which is fair enough.

If the medi heard barking maybr Roscoe was in the car again!
ok so apparently lewis had C.I brakes in aus,but because they put too much heat out,he had to go back to using brembo.
but they had been working on the brakes for canada,and this is the first time he has used C.I brakes since aus.
and apparently they will be bringing an update to silverstone for the C.I braking system.
Interesting! Can I ask where you heard/read this?

The article says he never raised a smile through any of the press sessions but I saw him being driven into the track by Martin Brundle and I saw plenty. Sometimes I think Lewis can come across a bit grumpy but not this weekend so go figure.

I wonder if the stuff on his mind might just possibley be helping Mercedes improve their race car.
The article says he never raised a smile through any of the press sessions but I saw him being driven into the track by Martin Brundle and I saw plenty. Sometimes I think Lewis can come across a bit grumpy but not this weekend so go figure..

He really didn't seem too grumpy with Brundle.

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