Current Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton MBE

A place to put all the posts from all the other threads primarily but love him or hate him, and even for the indifferent amongst us this is the place to discuss the marmite that is Lewis Hamilton, to learn a thing or two about his rise, talk about those controversial, genius or mad moments and something that i am bemused by, the recent articles that suggest something quite different to my perception of what's going on. Any experiences of meeting LH?

Brundle had to write a Lewis Hamilton article recently and in my tweets (which were probably ignored) I asked him to talk about LH the driver not LH the personality. It seems that you can't have one without the other.

So as a starter for ten, here is a fairly recent LH article. Posts should not be limited to this link but it can get some discussion going.

The only banned topic as it is clearly ridiculous involves these four things "Glock" "2008" "Brazil" "conspiracy"
You obviously do that's why you are here.
Not really, my comment was towards a lot bickering about blah blah blah.. which you'll notice got warned about by The Pits and have how been deleted so my comment no longer fits and wasn't referring to the comments its now immediately after.
I do agree with your opinion about the gangsta wannabe rubbish tho.
As unlikely as it seems if Hamilton does go elsewhere what are McLarens options? Which drivers of his standard are unsigned for next year? The team and driver both need each other but it's just the usual contract merry-go-round

I'm quite sure that Hamilton's dominant qualifying performance today underscores your point that Mclaren need Lewis. Mclaren are one of the very few cars in the field today, which enabled him to have such a strong performance during Q3 today, and helps him to be able too compete at the sharp end of the grid........he knows that, and at the moment needs,,,,Mclaren.
Some days it must utterly suck to be Lewis Hamilton LOL

The commute home from Hungary.

I must say, since Germany, Lewis seems to have been engaging a lot more than normal with his Twitter and Facebook fans, and I think it is great, really giving a lot back. I for one give that a big thumbs up!
Despite a slightly slow pit stop that Lotus failed to take advantage of, a much needed trouble free weekend for Lewis! So, since I remembered, the LHBLC (Lewis Hamilton Bad Luck Championship) now looks like this:

Australia - Lost 2nd place due to Safety Car, 3 points lost
Malaysia - (0pts lost, but dry race would likely have resulted in a win)
China - Gearbox change, 5 place grid drop, 3 points lost
Bahrain - 2 slow pit stops, 8 points lost
Spain - No fuel sample, 23 place grid drop, 21 points lost
Monaco - (0 pts lost)
Canada - (0 pts lost)
Valencia - Maldonado crash, 6 points lost
Britain - (0 pts lost, but rain didn't help)
Germany - Puncture, 12pts lost (dry qualifying could have resulted in a win for extra points).
Hungary - (0 pts lost)

TOTAL - 53 points lost, problems in 7/11 races.

The four leaf clover version of Hamilton now has 170pts, putting him at the top of the arbitrary championship again.
I must say, since Germany, Lewis seems to have been engaging a lot more than normal with his Twitter and Facebook fans, and I think it is great, really giving a lot back. I for one give that a big thumbs up!

hehehe... that is because winners are grinners... and the toys are back in the pram :D
As soon as he realized McLaren had a car that was win-worthy again (ie. watching his "currently slow" team mate nearly take the chocolates)...

Tweet after Bahrain >:( "Thk :censored:they got rid of "Fumbles McGee"... guy couldn't get a job at HRT"
Tweet after Europe :givemestrength: "One day I am going to break Pastors nose... WHAT A TWAT"
Tweet after Hungary :chuffed: "Off to Ibiza with the missus, life is good, love to my fans...king of the world"

But it is good...if you engage and embrace the social media world, as a world class athlete, you cannot go missing because things haven't been going your way...
A key discussion point for Hamiltion and McLaren regarding any new contract will be who gets to keep the original trophies.

"Ron [Dennis] and the team have all the trophies in the cabinet and the drivers get replicas," Hamilton told the British media.

"In a lot of other teams, the drivers get their original trophies. As a racing driver, what you work for and what you want to take home are two things; one is your crash helmet and the other is your trophy. For me, they are priceless.

"I don't care if they don't give me a car [to keep], but those two things are what you put your blood and sweat into, and the team keep those at the moment. So whatever contract I'm having next, that is going to be a push point.
Wonder how that gets resolved then?? Its not as easy as making a compromise and meeting in the middle about money. The trophies either go to Lewis or stay at McLaren.....
Didn't Senna have a special arrangement where he kept one or two of his trophies??
As far as I know, the only concession that Senna got at McLaren was that he was allowed sponsors (Nacional) on his race overalls), which no other driver had been allowed... This is one thing that has been sacrosanct at McLaren since Ron Dennis took control in 1980... - I believe they only have 1 trophy missing from their collection - and that's the 1989 Italian GP trophy, which Alain Prost "gave away" to the crowd.... incurring the wrath of Dennis...

I've just done a little further research - and there are a few Monaco trophies that Senna won that are "missing" from McLaren's collection.....
To be honest, I think this round of negotiating would be interesting to say the least, I would love to be a fly in the wall during some of the conversations. I am sure that McLaren would rather Lewis was driving for them than against them, but some of the comments seem to indicate that there is still some serious ground to be covered.

I still think there is some mileage in this one, despite the alternatives for both sides looking a little thin.
The Pits - Who needs who more? - That's always an important question.

Does McLaren need Hamilton? After all, they already have a WDC signed up for 2013... Although Hamilton is undoubtedly performing better this season! So, McLaren could do with Hamilton, even if they don't necessarily need him!

Does Hamilton need McLaren? Well, of the competitive seats, he has apparently been vetoed by Alonso, Red Bull is full, Mercedes might have a seat, but it seems their preference is to keep Schumacher and Rosberg... So, where else? Williams? that would certainly be a gamble, given their lack of overall performance for the last 6 years... Renault Lotus? Well, again, they seem to prefer Raikonnen, but there may be a seat there...

I have to say, neither side seems to have any real trump cards!
I don’t blame him either, id want to keep the original trophy too, the team can have the bloody replica!… they get an original trophy for a win too anyway.

I recall Martin Brundle saying a few years ago during commentary that he managed to switch and keep one of his trophies he won whilst at McLaren without them knowing.
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