Current Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton MBE

A place to put all the posts from all the other threads primarily but love him or hate him, and even for the indifferent amongst us this is the place to discuss the marmite that is Lewis Hamilton, to learn a thing or two about his rise, talk about those controversial, genius or mad moments and something that i am bemused by, the recent articles that suggest something quite different to my perception of what's going on. Any experiences of meeting LH?

Brundle had to write a Lewis Hamilton article recently and in my tweets (which were probably ignored) I asked him to talk about LH the driver not LH the personality. It seems that you can't have one without the other.

So as a starter for ten, here is a fairly recent LH article. Posts should not be limited to this link but it can get some discussion going.

The only banned topic as it is clearly ridiculous involves these four things "Glock" "2008" "Brazil" "conspiracy"
Well in response to being called silly by Vettel, this is what Lewis said .........
“I guess it shows his maturity. I don't think I've made any silly decisions throughout the race. I had nothing to gain apart from staying out of the way of my team-mate. I never give up, so I'm not going to back off and let everyone past me when I've got the pace to go past the guy in front.”
Hamilton posted an appropriate comment on his Twitter page yesterday, "We can admire someone's work regardless of their actions or traits."

I saw that and the rest of the bilge he posted yesterday too. He seems to be on a mission to prove his wisdom by posting philosophical nuggets of life advice we've all heard a million times before.

He's quite right in the base essence of that comment though. I totally admire what he does on the track. I'm an ardent fan of his.
I saw that and the rest of the bilge he posted yesterday too. He seems to be on somekind of mission to prove his wisdom by posting nuggets of life advice we've all heard a million times before.

- Not that I would want to make this comparison, but it does remind me a little of Joey Barton - although in very different circumstances of course... Twitter really is a bit of a curse, and sportsmen and women should really think twice before making any posts!
- Not that I would want to make this comparison, but it does remind me a little of Joey Barton - although in very different circumstances of course... Twitter really is a bit of a curse, and sportsmen and women should really think twice before making any posts!

I.e. they should stick to what they're good at! :thumbsup:
I really didn't know what to make of Dennis' comments there - I suppose it is true that there's really nowhere else for Hamilton to go to - since both Red Bull seats are full and I doubt that he would want to go to Ferrari (And whether Ferrari would let him be there, given that Alonso is the incumbent!) - So McLaren really hold almost all of the cards...
Apparently Alonso has alread vetoed Hamilton as a team mate at Ferrari. I've read it several times in various places but never actually seen a quote confirming it. It's probably bollocks actually.
Rons comments are a typical bargaining stance. If you are buying a car from a dealership, do you walk in and say "I love this car, I just have to have it in my life, what do you need from me to drive it away?" or do you go in and say "I am not sure, this is one of the possible cars I am looking at, what does this do that others don't and why is it better value?". Which of those two approaches is going to get you a better price on the car from the salesman?
As unlikely as it seems if Hamilton does go elsewhere what are McLarens options? Which drivers of his standard are unsigned for next year? The team and driver both need each other but it's just the usual contract merry-go-round
As unlikely as it seems if Hamilton does go elsewhere what are McLarens options? Which drivers of his standard are unsigned for next year? The team and driver both need each other but it's just the usual contract merry-go-round
If it came to a situation where McLaren simply couldn't agree a deal with LH I could quite easily see them acquiring di Resta without too much of an effort. McLaren's links with Force India might also ease that transition. How much Mercedes would object is subject to debate though as di Resta has enjoyed very close ties with them throughout his career.
F1Yorkshire - too true, it's a two way thing. Not taking anything away from Jenson but if McLaren still had Alonso I reckon they wouldn't be fighting the midfielders.
A driver can't work without a good team but equally a team can't get results without a good driver & there's no-one of Hamilton's calibre that isn't already contracted for next year.
I'd say Lewis has more options than McLaren still - he could go to Renault Lotus or Williams & do pretty well for a year, let's face it he wouldn't do much worse than being at McLaren the last 4 years.
Ron Denis was happy enough to poach Gordon Murray from Bernie mostly because he was brilliant but partly so no one else could have him.
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