Senna dropped for the British GP

I'll wait for a few more reports before believing it.

HRT's own website has nothing, neither does Autosport, or ESPN.

I really hope it's not true, it's going to be a nightmare updating all the data, tables, charts, spreadsheets, etc. :givemestrength:

I hate it when teams do mid season driver changes :mad:
Harsh. Karun has surprised me at this level. Senna got where has today due to his name, simple. If that wasn't the case he would not have changed his name to Senna!!! Nice guy but merit deserves more than coattails. To be replaced after half a season is a shame though, wholey undeserved by anyone.
Well thats a major suprise. dunno how reliable F1Badger is, but Joe Stewards blog reports the same thing too. Its a real shame.

Personally ive herd no rumours at Valencia, and seen nothing on the net.

Wonder if this means HRT are in trouble, has this is a decision made only for money. And if so hw much trouble are they in. There car is not exactly full of sponsors atm.

Just wonder if this the beginnings of a second casualty for the New teams, If you count USGP of course.
Unfortunately this is being reported on the BBC website as well now.... Seems a strange one this as i thought Senna bought money to the team than Karun.
Disappointing as I thought he was doing ok, although it is rather hard to tell when the car is such a horrible mess. That's how it goes though and after all he's probably got a better chance than most of getting another drive, especially if we see more new teams on the grid next season.
This has to hint at money problems- perhaps Bruno's sponsors have let him down?

Anyway a disappointment - I have had my doubts about Senna's ultimate ability but he's done a darn sight more with that bucket than Yamamoto ever will.
KraXik said:
To be replaced after half a season is a shame though, wholey undeserved by anyone.

Have you never heard of Nelson Piquet Junior? LOL

Anyway, bad news to hear. I agree with the sentiments that this is harsh and you can't tell how good (or bad) young Senna is. He's no Hamilton or Alonso but I guess unless Bruno manages to get a contract next year that we'll never know how much potential he has.
Poor Bruno,

If one of the HRT drivers had to go though, through lack of funding, I'm sorry to say I would have picked him. Karun seems a nice chap to me and would like to see him continue, and into a FI in the future.
MajorDanby said:
Poor Bruno,

If one of the HRT drivers had to go though, through lack of funding, I'm sorry to say I would have picked him. Karun seems a nice chap to me and would like to see him continue, and into a FI in the future.

Why when Senna was faster than Karun?!?

Failures on the car are simply that, not a lot a driver can do about them..
Essentially, it seems like HRT need some serious yen to bring on the dearth of talent that they call Sakon Yamamoto.

You have to feel sorry for anyone that is dumped to make way for a sack of Japanese cash, but thats the real world, I'm afraid.
Although I never like mid-season driver changes, this one is a non event to me. They are merely replacing one rubbish driver with another who brings more cash to the table. The team's first priority is survival, so, given their financial condition, the move is completely understandable.

Its not like they are losing a driver with a surfeit of talent. Senna only got a drive because of the surname he has chosen to use. That name opened lots of doors for him, but it also raised expectations. He has failed to deliver!
siffert_fan said:
Although I never like mid-season driver changes, this one is a non event to me. They are merely replacing one rubbish driver with another who brings more cast to the table. The team's first priority is survival, so, given their financial condition, the move is completely understandable.

Its not like they are losing a driver with a surfeit of talent. Senna only got a drive because of the surname he has chosen to use. That name opened lots of doors for him, but it also raised expectations. He has failed to deliver!

I wouldn't call him rubbish and you forget he was runner up in GP2. Theres a few drivers in there who did not win GP2 or the F3000 champ so perhaps a bit harsh to say he is only there because of his name.

Dunno how many of you guys have read this but he has only been dropped for this weekend which is weird. HRT haven't said why, i smell something dodgy going on there.
Andrea_Moda_Rules said:
Dunno how many of you guys have read this but he has only been dropped for this weekend which is weird. HRT haven't said why, i smell something dodgy going on there.
Hmm. In my opinion, there must be a certain green smell about....
Yes, it's been confirmed that he's only out for Silverstone.

Definitely a pay drive if I ever saw one.
Yamamoto's time was almost 113% of Mark Webber's.
Quite probably just for one race though - although I must say Senna 'B'-spec, has not impressed me.

Edit, due to missing the last post (as it were(back in t'old days 'fore 'puters was araahnd like))
Yes, Brogan: I agree that it is a pay drive. There can be no other logic to put Yammy back. But we can count our blessings that this will be his last appearance in F1.

Selling out to the devil really wrankles with me. But it's the way of the world (for some) when things get tough. :mad:
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