Mark Webber

I'm a little puzzled as to why Webber doesn't have a page in the teams and drivers section, as Webber is a pivotal figure in the story upfront. There are questions that need to be asked. Why can Vettel win, and Webber struggle to get on the podium fighting Ferraris and McLarens? Why is the man that was noted as a good qualifier unable to get near Vettel? Did the leg break in late 2008 do him serious performance damage? and What should Webber do in the near future?

Mark Webber. Over to you...
I didn't say Mark was a pay driver!!! ffs

Apologies there, the way your post was worded you were talking about pay drivers then with your next line saying Webber was one of them it seemed to say that the two sentences were linked.

Not really when you think he gets 25% of Webber's salary by being his personal manager whilst he was helping Renault reduce costs and improving profits by leasing engines to Red Bull
I'm with Jen on this one I like Mark he may not be the best but he's a man's man he says what he means and he means what he says.

Bloody good luck for the future mate......
Il_leone - Yeah, but look at the outcomes:

Horner: Webber + Renault engines → Red Bull = "Not bad" №2 driver + Good engines = 3 x (WDC + WCC)
Briatore: Kovalainen instead → McLaren (failure) = commision decrease, replaced with Piquet ⇒ life ban/persona non grata status.

Briatore still made money by moving Heikki to Mclaren and then replacing him first with Piquet and then Grosjean

- he tried to play devil's advocate with Piquet and this time he got caught in crashgate.

He protested loss of earnings from being banned in F1 but at the time for him it was good business by running Renault as team principal and simply rotating his drivers around to ensure he gets 25% of each one paid

I agree on that front about titles which is why Webber probably still in the team for this long otherwise Helmut would have been happy promoting STR drivers and would probably claim the results would be the same


Flavio did not do too badly out of it financially himself from placing ... he was merely serving his self own opportunities from his opposition being in charge of Renault F1 operation

Think about Webber negotiates not with Horner or Marko but Materschitz himself to get the drive.

It shows how very little influence Horner has when Webber only told him few moments before the press conference he was quitting F1

I am not a fan of Webber...he has made life difficult for Vettel at times like refusing to help BRazil 2009 and nearly last year as well hence Helmut is always hopping mad

He makes Vettel work for it and does not surrender like Rubens does. However Webber has not exactly double crossed the team

- Brazil 2009 Vettel qualified 16th so it was immaterial and last year Webber did allow him through when he realised there was no point holding him up

- Malaysia this year was clear double cross both cars given the same instructions but one decided to threw test the teams position by spearing the inside right next to the pitwall ... what if they both collided and caused a huge accident.. a mighty embarassment

---- At Red Bull it is never Vettel's fault in the eyes of Marko he is the golden boy that must be looked after at all costs

Ignoring a team order in Silverstone 2011 was the same as Vettel did this year in Malaysia, the only difference is that Vettel succeeded.

But from a different view, the deal was in malaysia that the car in front after the last stop was the one who could take the win and they where side by side after Webber's last undecided:D
Yep nice guy but nice guys don't win. I remember Lewis fighting him with a car that was 2seconds off the pace in Oz 2009 and thought this guy is really useless. It's very mystifying how a closely fought contest with Vettel in 2010 has turned into complete whitewash. He's served his purpose but that Redbull seat really deserves a better driver.
2010 Was Webber's best season probably. Even when Vettel lost over 60 points due to reliability he still couldn't claim the title with the fastest car and perfect reliability. Very good on his day, but those days are few and far between.

I guess you see things differently about Turkey 2010 well Vettel steered right but Webber maintained a straightline or Malaysia down the pitwall was Vettel this year and had Webber turned in then that would have been more serious and hugely embarrassing
Il_leone: What happened in Turkey 2010 was in my eyes mistakes from both of them. Vettel shouldn't have steered in so soon and Webber shouldn't have defended so hard, since he was saving fuel. But it was most Vettel's fault. I remember Webber having a few collision with DC aswell, so it was not his first.

Malaysia was a different situation and there was no reason for Webber to turn into Vettel, cause he was already on the inside of a corner, unlike Vettel in 2010 who wanted a wider turn in.
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