Head To Head Jenson Button vs Lewis Hamilton

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Yet JB didn't think a chance to spend a few hours in the car at Mugello was worth his time whereas LH wanted to go and apparently was even offered to pay his own way and turn up anyway

Maybe I'm getting confused by your sentence above. It's clearly misworded so perhaps that's why it's misunderstood.
Maybe JB couldn't afford to get there under his own steam

Or maybe he felt that he didn't need extra time with tyres

He did say it was pointless for the race drivers to be there

Shame there are no more opportunities to get to grips (pun) with the tyres outside race weekends, hopefully JB will be able to spend time adapting himself to the tyres before the saubers, williamses and geniis get too far in front
If Jenson had gone, they would probably have spent all their time trying to find him a setup rather than developing the car. I think McLaren did things absolutely right in focusing on making sure they have a car which remains at the front of the field. Lewis proved that the car was immensely quick and it is Jenson's job get in it and find a balance between Friday and Saturday. His only failing was not being able to adapt with the evolving car.

Nowhere in that article does it make any reference to Hamilton having to "pay his own way".... Most likely is that they said "if you want to come, you can, but we'd rather run our testers because......"

There's no point in trying to read things in articles that don't exist! Furthermore, it contradicts all the garbage we've heard that mclaren wouldn't let Hamilton test!
racecub well 500 miles so its not just like popping down the shops but I do get your point. I guess at the end of the day Jenson (and Lewis) went with what the team decided and were expected to tow the party line on it via the media. This was Mclaren's decision.

I expressed concern at it when it was announced and I think it was mainly because (they'll never say this) they suddenly realised they'd booked Jenson into a PR event and couldn't give one driver preference over the other. Add to that the cold Mclaren 'Test drivers are for testing' policy and this is what you end up with.

To be fair to them it doesn't seem to have done the car any harm where Lewis is concerned and they've certainly not fallen behind their rivals so we can't criticise them just yet.

In actual fact Spain has never been the happiest of hunting grounds for Jenson. even the year he won their in 2009 his team-mate Rubens had far the better set up(that Jenson ended up copying) than him and lost it on strategy. Before 2009 his best result there had been 8th! It could just be that Jenson struggles with the track in general when it comes to set up. I think we before we make a complete judgement about what he can or can't get out of the tyres, set up etc etc we should wait and see how he performs at Monaco a track which is usually a happy hunting ground for him. If he struggles there too then I think questions should be asked.

You have completely ignored my point, which was that if McLaren gave Jenson 4 hours to run around Mugello trying to warm his tyres up then what time would they allocate to actually testing the upgrade packages for the car?
ExtremeNinja they would have the remaining 20 hours, or 16 if LH had got 2 2hour stints as well

As it is the car didn't run for at least a few hours so obviously not all 24 hours were needed for technical tasks
Sorry. Misread that a bit so my last comment is a mistake.

However, do you not think that Jenson ought to get on top of the tyres on a Friday as he is paid to do and that the test drivers should be allowed to do their job as they are paid to do, though? It seems to me to be most efficient if everybody is doing what they are supposed to be doing.
Yes ninja, but my point was not to question the team, that's already done

My point is that JB surely should be agitating to spend time in the car like LH was, instead of saying he felt it was pointless

If they were gonna let LH turn up and maybe get an hour or two, JB should also have been on this, like SV actually visiting the tyre factory last year, when the field is tight, every advantage you can get reaps big benefits

just as every disadvantage you bear reaps big vs your competitors

I don't think it's that JB is not as hungry and committed, so I am curious

I actually think its as RasputinLives says, it wasn't ideal but JB felt the need to tow the party line

Whether the party line is flawed is a different discussion
Cookinflatsix - I know you nickname me mad monk so I know you're refering to me but the madmonk you keep tagging in is actually a completely seperate user! might wanna add the space just to avoid confusing the hell out of them! lol
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