Future F1 Grands Prix

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What I don't understand is this: why are some countries (like Korea) forced to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to build a brand-new circuit in order to host an F1 race, while others, like Azerbaijan, have to do little more than sweep the downtown streets?
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I guess it's up to the promoters as to what sort of race to put on. I'm sure that Bernie won't mind having 20 street circuits.

Bernie says France no but Azerbaijan yes!

Makes sense I guess if you consider the amount of F1 involvment Azerbaijan has currently compared to France ;)

On another point though its been stated that the F1 cal will not go above 20. Azerbaijan will make 20 so it looks like India's supposed return and New Jersey's rave ain't happening.
Is this business model actually working? What benefits have Turkey, Korea, India, Bahrain and Abu Dhabi actually provided for F1?
Bernie doesn't care how he gets his money - he just wants it. If a 'non-traditional' venue doesn't pay up (more than a 'traditional' venue, that is) then it goes. Look at Korea, Turkey and India.
Austin has done a great job in its two races, no more US races are really needed now.

But I would absolutely love to see the skyline of Manhattan Island in the background of a Formula 1 Grand Prix. That would be epic. It would rival Monaco.

But the reliabilities of these two races are too high... No crash no fun.
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