Felipe Massa

Brilliant driver on his day but is he championship material?

In 2008 he proved he was but thats only one occassion, plus that season the Ferrari TBH was a bit quicker and won more races that season. In 2009 he nearly suffered a career ending head-injury and since coming to back to the grid he hasn't really shown that promise he did in 2008.

Don't get me wrong he's a driver i very much like, but i do wonder if he'll be a title challenger again for Ferrari season in season out or if he'll stay at Ferrari much longer?

Whats your thoughts on Massa?
Why would Smedley leave a top job with arguably the biggest team in F1 to follow a second rate driver destined for a mid field team at best.
Ok they are mates but Smedley has bills to pay and his career to think about. He will stay at Ferrari.

Personally I think Massa is out of F1 now. I can't see him getting a drive when there is so many young up and comers with sponsorship money in their pocket. Fact is he is getting on and he lost his mojo so long ago he can't remember what it looks like.

I will miss Masa he always comes over as a genuine nice guy in interviews.
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I think his wish to "find a team that will give him a competative car to win many more races" may be a bit of a struggle.

I think the combined effects of firstly that head injury and secondly, not being able to match Alonso for pace has meant that he was never quite the same driver. If he wants to stay in F1 his choices are limited (Sauber seemingly the most likely but maybe Force India as well ?).
It was good of Ferrari to allow Massa to announce that he would be leaving the team, it almost seems that it was his decision to make. Now after a suitable pause they will tell us who will replace him. All very diplomatic.
They must think we're all stupid. :rolleyes:
Wouldn't it be funny if Massa ended up at Enstone and they just happened to build a supercar? How many months would it be before Massa stopped laughing do you think?
From BBC sport:

Brazilian driver Felipe Massa, who is leaving Ferrari at the end of the season after eight years with the team, says he is in talks with Lotus about a seat next season.
"We are negotiating," he told Globo Esporte. "In my opinion, the Lotus has a competitive car, which is what I want." The Brazilian, who agonisingly missed out on the title to Lewis Hamilton at the final race of the season in 2008, added that he has also talked to McLaren about a drive next season.
I'm hopint the talks go like this.

(phone rings)
EB: Hello?
FM: Hey Eric its your driver for 2014 here
EB: Nico?
FM: No! Its Felipe
EB: Ahhhh Mr Nasr how are you?
FM: No! Felipe Massa.
EB: Oh. I thought you said you were driving for me next year?
FM: Well I'm your obvious choice. I mean is there anyone better out there?
(sound of laughing can be heard)
FM: Eric?
EB: Sorry Fellipe.....(more laughing).
FM: Hello.....hello?
EB: Sorry Felippe (laughing) I think we have a bad line (laughing)......but could you text me Hulkenbergs number?
Interesting about the McLaren bit. I would imagine that's more of a speculative "talk to McLaren", because I don't see them getting shot of either driver at this stage of the game. This years Mc is a pile of garbage but I don't see that affecting the driver line up.

With Hulkenburg the driver most likely to step up from Sauber I think he's got to be the front runner for Lotus(Renault) surely? That said though, if Massa can do a deal where he's paid per point or something along those lines then it could all come down to the cash that Lotus(Renault) haven't got leading to their choice.
well whichever side your on if you've decided not to like him over a sarcastic thumbs up in the heat of a moment then you're probably being way touchy.

I will miss the classic Massa/Hamilton battles if he doesn't get a drive. I think Massa is to Hamilton what Senna was to Prost. Neithers career would be complete without the other. Some classic battles.
I only gave an example that during that interview where Felipe wasn't so nice, which doesn't mean that I'm being touchy, and also dislike Felipe, which I do. I can honestly say that there isn'i a driver on the grid today, which I truly dislike......trust well that's another matter.
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