Felipe Massa

Brilliant driver on his day but is he championship material?

In 2008 he proved he was but thats only one occassion, plus that season the Ferrari TBH was a bit quicker and won more races that season. In 2009 he nearly suffered a career ending head-injury and since coming to back to the grid he hasn't really shown that promise he did in 2008.

Don't get me wrong he's a driver i very much like, but i do wonder if he'll be a title challenger again for Ferrari season in season out or if he'll stay at Ferrari much longer?

Whats your thoughts on Massa?
I have a suggestion for Felipe, why doesn't he follow Clay Regazzoni's example and step down the grid whilst he can still attract a major sponsor like Clay did with Ensign. Imagine if he decamped to Marussia and the publicity it would attract. Go on Felipe, you know it makes sense.
I agree with you FB. a couple of years remaining in F1 but helping a smaller team out would be great.

Somehow though, I expect he'll crop up in DTM or sports cars (though most likely I expect he'll cross the ditch and race in the US for an Indy team)
Massa and the Barrichello should start up the 13th team with funds from the bank of brazil and technology from Ferrari with Felipe Nasr as their lead driver.

Brazil could use a team to cheer on.

Likelyhood is though Massa will end up at Enstone and we'll all be screaming 'Why didn't they pick Hulkenberg'

Then Felipe will win the title.................(maybe not)
One of the reason Massa is still with Ferrari is the Santander sponsorship. The Brazilian market is a very big plus for him. I doubt Kimi or Hulk will signify the same to them. If one of them is taken, then it's because they're really good drivers and nowadays that's not "enough".
The BBC are reporting on their F1 website the Kimi to Ferrari story but they claim, or rather, Andrew Benson claims that Flipper is now third choice behind Kimi or the Hulk.

It certainly looks like Massa is on the way out.
Smedders may leave Ferrari but I doubt he'll leave F1.

Cue the excuses:

"The best way to show you love someone is to set them free...."

"It's not you Flipper, it's me, I've changed"

"I just guess we must have grown apart"

"you're a big boy now, you don't need my help anymore"

"I love you too much that's why I have to go...."

"of all the garages in all the world you had to walk in to mine but we'll always have Hockenheim"
None other than the Italian police have told Massa he needs to find a new home. Felipe received a speeding ticket from the Monza police on his drive to the circuit Sunday morning.

Gazzetta dello Sport has a (cell phone?) video of the incident online. There's at least half a dozen police standing around gawking, and a gaggle of rubberneckers, so they definitely knew who he was. Like there would be a copper in all of Lombardy who wouldn't have known that face on sight on Italian Grand Prix Sunday, especially he at at the wheel of a Ferrari FF.

The message couldn't have been any clearer if he'd awakened to find a severed horse's head in his bed with him. Felipe has to go.
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