Because you're such a chicken
sushifiesta , I have done it for you

Some interesting anecdotes:
- gethinceri has the highest average vote
, 9.7 (because of Bahrain)
- Mephistopheles has the lowest average, 3.5

- Other than those two, only teabagyokel , rufus_mcdufus and ramilas1 have registered a score on all 17 races*
- 101 different members have voted
- However you look at it, Hungary is the race of the year. 85% of voters rated it above their own personal average and only 11% rated it below. Bahrain was next up with 80% rating it above average
- As for the worst race though, in the Official Rankings, Spain is dead last but actually it's quite polarised. 21% of voters still voted Spain above average. But Singapore was only voted above average by 9% of voters.
So, time to look at myths and conspiracy theories
Hamilton's wins score more highly: certainly Hamilton won Hungary, the clear leader in Race of the Year even though only 29 overtakes were registered. But it is a sample of 1 so we need to look wider. What about when Lewis has been on the podium? Does that still float the boat?
Maybe a little bit. There's no real difference in votes when Lewis is anywhere in the top 6 and Japan where he DNFd scores above average for two thirds of us. But Spain (77%), Italy (72%) and Abu Dhabi (79%) where Lewis struggled to the finish all scored significantly below average for a lot of people.
Vettel wins are boring: Here we have a big sample - 11 out of the 17 races - and actually, yes. Votes are a bit lower in those 11 races than in the other 6. Kimi's win in Australia was also above average and Nico's wins in Monaco and Britain evened out above average. But once you throw in Fernando's wins in China

and Spain

things even out a bit so Vettel's whitewashes are the lesser of two evils, perhaps? Alonso's 8 podium races were much less popular on average than the other 9...
We love overtaking: or do we? I don't have the DRS / non-DRS overtakes, but it doesn't seem to be a magic formula with Hungary's 29 scoring highly and Monza with 26 scoring low. At the other end, you have a lot of overtaking in Bahrain (88) and Britain (90) and these races scored higher votes. But you also have 77 in China and 71 in Spain but we didn't like them as much and Australia (59), Malaysia (52) and Korea (64).