Greenlantern101 I suspected this might be the case but let me explain why I have done certain things and what I have or could change. I also know that there are people on CTA who like seeing lots of number crunching and statistics, so there is a compromise to be made.
1) I tried to make the table more understandable by adding the colouring and also the terms score/tiebreak on top of the statistical terms. I could maybe separate the table in to multiple tables for race of the year and most disputed race and not bother with including the stats terms in the tables.
2) The race of the year score, for this season at least, is the simple voters average. However, with the relatively low number of votes we have and the wide range of views, just using this by itself is not really the best way to determine which race people preferred. This is why I've only used the average down to one decimal place and then used the median/mode as tiebreaks. The median (middle vote) itself is less sensitive to being influenced by a few votes with scores a long way from the general consensus... which is also why I would like to use this as the primary score for race of the year.
I'm pretty reluctant to remove the other scores to be honest, but if a lot more people express the same view I can change it. Alternatively I could come up with some way of combining all three in to a single score, but I'm not sure that would really help.
3) I think most disputed race is an interesting concept and one that can give quite a lot of additional insight in to what people were thinking about the race. In fact, it was not my idea initially - it was
tooncheese - which again shows the balancing act needed to make this appealing to everyone. As I said, I can separate it from the main table and hide the stats terms. How much people agree or disagree about a result is what we spend most the time talking about though and that is what most disputed race shows, so I'm not really a fan of only updating it a couple of times in the season. I'll try to do a better job of explaining it as well.
Any more thoughts? Basically, if there is a majority that just want one number and nothing else I can do that but otherwise I will do what I can to make everything as transparent and easy to understand as possible.