Ask The Apex

I have another question...

Why do drivers use the DRS in free practice when they are doing long fuel runs?

Yeah I was wondering this, because wouldn't it make their long runs look better than they actually are. Maybe it's because all the other teams do it and so to try and glean where they are relative to the competition.
I have another question...

Why do drivers use the DRS in free practice when they are doing long fuel runs?
To understand the behaviour of the car when "heavy" as that will be the case in the early laps of a stint

Edit: Also to understand the way that behaviour changes as the fuel load lightens.
To understand the behaviour of the car when "heavy" as that will be the case in the early laps of a stint

Edit: Also to understand the way that behaviour changes as the fuel load lightens.

Yes but they can find that out without the DRS used out of every corner surely? :s
After reading the anti-doping thread thingy I just wondered if there has ever been an F1 driver convicted of a drug offence either inside or outside the sport.
Not that I'm aware of.

Regarding convictions though, Bertrand Gachot did not participate in the 1991 Belgian GP due to receiving a 2 month prison sentence for spraying CS gas on a London taxicab driver after a traffic altercation.

He was temporarily replaced by Michael Schumacher, making his Formula One début.
I seem to remember Murray commenting James Hunt's fondness of the odd Camberwell Carrot relaxant. Whether this was restricted to his commentating days i can't tell you and I don't think he was ever 'caught'.
Tomas Enge had three races for Prost at the end of the 2001 season. He continued in the F3000 series in 2002 but tested positive for marijuana. According to Wikipedia he was stripped of the title, but it also shows him as being 3rd, did they just remove some of his points?

Since he was no longer in F1 does he count?
Counts for me Bill.

Have to say being able to win the F3000 whilst smoking marijuana is actual quite impress. Not the most performance inhancing of drugs is it?

Not that I'm glorifying it! Just say no kids!

Have to say being able to win the F3000 whilst smoking marijuana is actual quite impress. Not the most performance inhancing of drugs is it?...

It used to be used by jazz performers. They considered that it relaxed them enabling them to play better. A bit like stage performers who drink alcohol before performing. They think that it enhances their performance, in point of fact it does the opposite.
I just looked up Tomas Enge - he was only disqualified from the Hungrarian round of the 2002 F3000 championship for testing positive which of course cost him 10 points. His final Total for the season was 50 points where as the F3000 champion that season was Sebastian Bourdais and he finished with 56 points - so basically it cost him the total.

As I said - just say no kids!
I have one

Pit stop techniques - why do they all use different ones? I'll attempt to explain...
  • Ferrari hold the wheels face on but use a front to side jack
  • Red Bull hold the wheels at an angle so they swing them on at a 90 degree angle but have a standard non pivoting front jack
  • McLaren hold the wheel straight on and use a standard non pivoting front jack
I hope that makes sense.
I have one

Pit stop techniques - why do they all use different ones? I'll attempt to explain...
  • Ferrari hold the wheels face on but use a front to side jack
  • Red Bull hold the wheels at an angle so they swing them on at a 90 degree angle but have a standard non pivoting front jack
  • McLaren hold the wheel straight on and use a standard non pivoting front jack
I hope that makes sense.

Presumably they all believe their system is the most efficient in regards to safety, ensuring the wheel and nut go on cleanly resulting in the fastest time. Apparantly two of them must be wrong though...
Might I suggest Ferrari and McLaren?

Precisely, this is why I don't get it. It seems the Ferrari jack and the RBR technique for wheel changes would be the most efficient combination yet we rarely see these changes made and I just don't understand. Is there a CTA pit stop stats thread?
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