2014 / 2015 Silly Season. Drivers Market.

To be fair, It's unusual for F1 drivers to break their contracts. I think I've heard more talk of it happening this year than ever before. Normally the teams have got their drivers by the short and curleys when it comes to money.

I would love for one of the Merc drivers to break their contract and go elsewhere next season, just to hear Lauda whine about it, and the driver in question reply "you did it. Why shouldn't I?".
cider_and_toast A legal binding contract means a commitment to provide services in return for money between the two parties normally

Off course if neither party are happy they can part as long as the conditions have been met

Trouble is drivers sign contracts to teams they realise are not in their best interest and realise they cannot get out of it easily and will need to pay a hefty sum to do so ... ie Button got Honda to buy his Williams contract and Alonso got Renault to pay for his Mclaren contract in part

The only that took a swerve so to speak was M Schumacher because his contract with Jordan was not watertight because he did not actually sign it .. his management did when he was poached

coming back to this year Alonso has a clause in his contract apparently where he can walk away from Ferrari if they are not in top 3 constructors championship

I 've not heard there are get out clauses for Vettel or Hamilton so Ferrari would have to pay a bit more to get either driver
If you look at top drivers of past eras, and quite a few of the current one, you'd be hard-pressed to find one who hasn't broken a contract at one point or other in their careers.
Actually you could say the same thing for top-teams as well.
Toleman suspended their driver for one race because he had a 3 year contract with them but not before his first season was completed he was talking to Lotus... his name Ayrton Senna
He's mentioned this several times before, but Joe Saward gives a little insight on the inner-workings of the F1 rumor mill here, http://joesaward.wordpress.com/2014/09/29/truth-and-consequences/

Weirdly, the primary F1 news aggregator in recent years is now owned by one of its customer websites and so not only does everyone get the same lightweight stuff, but the customers are paying their rival, which strengthens the one and weakens the other.

It's a sad but true fact that most of the F1 pages that purport to be legitimate news outlets are not much better that Sniff Petrol. The list of written journalists that actually converse with drivers and team principals is very short.

I guess this isn't really a revelation at this time of year though, as it's called Silly Season for a reason
Nando wants the best car and who could blame him as he is one of the best drivers!

He will go where he thinks his best chances of winning are and who can blame him again?

The only stalling point would be Ron and who could blame him if he said no?
The engineer lined up to replace Rocky at Red Bull has left the team "with immediate effect" and Vettel's chief engineer when he was at Toro Rosso has joined Ferrari. This may mean nothing or it could mean Vettel is fingering certain people he would like at Ferrari to make it a team he would like to join.
So, we could be in for one of 3 things next year:

1) Alonso partners JB at McLaren-Honda - this would be the least surprising move, but fraught with unknowns (i.e. will McLaren ever produce a decent chassis? Will the Honda engine be a contender? Can FA reach an accomodation with his Ronship?)
2) Alonso switches with Vettel at RBR - this would be the "shock-horror!" scenario (though probably the one Alonso would actually prefer)
3) In spite of all the plate-throwing and slammed doors at Maranello, they both go to counselling, and reach an accomodation to make a go of it for the sake of the kids for another year - unlikely, but eminently possible.

Frankly, I just wish they'd get on an decide it - the febrile speculation is becoming wearisome now...
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