Race Winner
Lewywo4 similar problem to you. I already knew who one I didn't have the willpower you did. But I forgot to DVR the early-morning race so I recorded the reaired one that was at 3. And I got the end of the IndyCar race which was nice. However I didn't get the end of the F1 race! Two and a half goddamn hours of coverage and you can't show the whole race. This is the reaired version mind you. Didn't even bother to cut off part of the prerace to get all of the actual spectacle in the time slot. The actual race didn't start until an hour in. At least I got to fast forward through all the commercials but I mean I still missed all the good stuff! Much like Speed but more commercials and the dude with the epic voice from the Speed race intros didn't move over
And Speed's gonna be gone so all we are gonna have left is F1, IndyCar, and NASCAR crap. No Sportscar racing, Touring Cars from Oz or Britain or Germany, Supercross, Motocross, hell even Monster trucks are gonna be gone. Oh wait I forgot about Drag Racing ESPN shows that too. Great spectacle. You get to wait 5-10 minutes to see two cars race eachother in different lanes for about 4 seconds. And half the time its just qualifying. Bull
Sarcastic Clapping