Pre-Season 2012 New Car Images & Discussion

I am handing out free "like's" to anybody who praises the designers at Woking. Come get 'em. As for the rest of the cars on this thread, if there was ever a case to introduce a "dislike" function it has been made here. Although I don't think it would migrate well to other areas of the site.
Also, isn't "anti-dandruff" just about the classiest thing you could write on the side of your racing car? LOL

It's designed to distract Jenson Button. He won't be able to pass the Renault without being reminded of dandruff, and since he isn't allowed to use Head & Shoulders in the cockpit dandruff will then be on his mind, preventing him from thinking about things like using KERS and DRS.
The most disappointing aspect of the Red Bull launch is the fact they didn't even offer fans the courtesy of releasing actual photos of their new car. The images are so obviously heavily enhanced artworks we really can't be sure of what the car looks like. It smacks of arrogance and lack of respect for fans, especially on my side of the world when you sit up to some ungodly hour waiting to see their new car. Maybe I'm being overly sensitive but at least with Ferrari and McLaren we saw genuine photographs.>:(>:(>:(
Time for a status report:

The Ferrari and Force India are pig ugly.
The Caterham is pig ugly and green, and should only be viewed in the dark.
The Sauber is good only for ironing your shirt on, but at least it's not green.
The Lotus is black, to show up Kimi's dandruff, and the pinstriper used the wrong size brush.
The Toro Rosso is trying to be like its big brother again, but at least it has a bit more red on the rear wing end plates, so we should stand a chance of telling them apart on the track this season (yeah, right).
Red Bull are arrogant but can't afford studio light bulbs or a decent camera.
The Mclaren is like a swan swimming among coots and its drivers will be the only ones who can see where they're going. It really ought to be awarded the Constructor's title now.
Hi Brogan. Glad I'm not the only one that felt let down. By the way, thanks for welcoming me on to the site and sorry it's taken me so long to acknowledge the friendly welcome. I'm only just starting to become active and will add some details to my profile when time permits. :)
A belated welcome from me btw Kewee; I remember you from 'another place' and your contribution will be much appreciated here I'm sure.
Thanks Chad. I try to be constructive with my postings but as you know I like to have a bit of fun also.:) Oh dear, I think I've already teased you just a little. :snigger: I'm quite sure you'll know when not to take my sillier comments to heart. Cheers. :popcorn: Love this little guy but I'll probably get fat by the end of the season with all this popcorn.
Hi Keewee, I was going to come and see you but she has decided that we should go back to Malaysia this year. Maybe I can get our Kiwi friend in Oz to persuade her to come over early next year. Hope you didn't get earthquaked.
Hi Bill. No I haven't been earthquaked. Thanks for your concern. I'm in the North Island and will get buried in volcanic ash when Mt. Egmont, or as it's now know, Mt Taranaki, goes ka boom. :thinking: :o
Williams FW34:



The step in the nose is pretty much vertical!!!
Good lord - the nose of the Williams looks positively agricultural! And is it me, or do the mounting struts look to be about 3 millimetres onto the baseplate of the front wing? I predict lots of pitstops to replace busted front wings this season...
Another one of the FW34 - either Mclaren have been VERY clever or they will be fighting HRT for last place on the grid.

... My concern with the Williams is that they seem to have forgotten to fit the gearbox! ;)

I suppose a question does need to be asked about why so many teams have gone for the step... Will the step provide some sort of extra overbody downforce? Who knows.....
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