Announcement 💥 Software upgrade

Should there be reactions with negative values?

  • 👍 Yes

    Votes: 12 48.0%
  • 👎 No

    Votes: 13 52.0%

  • Total voters


Staff Member
The server migration is complete.

The next stage in the evolution of the site is to upgrade the software to XF2.
The latest version has many new features and improvements.

See these threads for what to expect:
XF 2.0 - What's new in XenForo 2.0
Have you seen...?

As I prepare the site for the upgrade, you may notice some things disappearing or changing.
This is due to them not being compatible with the new software.

In due course I hope to restore some of the functionality, such as live chat.

I'll keep this thread updated with the progress.
Good luck with it all Brogan. You do a great job and I'm sure none of us would ever complain about anything ;)

Seriously though, I know it's a big deal and well done you on making it all work for us. We all owe you for that.
The styles which were in use have been disabled as they were heavily customised and won't transfer to the new software.

The style currently in use is essentially the out of the box default style with some colour changes.

It's a temporary solution until the software is upgraded and I can work on a new style.

Likewise, all of the add-ons in use won't transfer over so all but a couple of them have been disabled.
A preview of the test site I am currently working on.

ah I know this above because on sheff utd football forum im on we already have them likes & it does help. because its more detailed feedback because a like is too generic. a great joke is same a great opinion
As you may have noticed, the software has been upgraded.

There is still a lot to do related to styling and setting up the various options and features, but it is fully useable as it is.

There will be changes over the next few weeks as it is a work in progress.
Notably, emoji support will be available from tomorrow.

A few things you may want to check out:
  • push notifications are now available

  • reactions are now possible on posts, profile posts, and conversation messages - long clicking or hovering over 'Like' will show the reactions menu (more reactions will be added in due course as required, a quick click will do a standard like)

  • Note that reactions have +ve, neutral, and -ve values as follows (if there is consensus/enough demand, I will remove the -ve values and set them to neutral - vote on the poll at the top of the thread)

  • The top 3 reactions for the first post in each thread are shown in the thread list

  • direct video uploads

  • the new posts page has filters which you can set as defaults

  • emoji support - from the editor or directly from the device (coming tomorrow)

  • inline spoilers - :p - see what I mean?

  • native table support (see here for all bb code BB codes)

  • Inline smilie/emoji autocomplete

  • Profile posts now support rich content such as smilies, images, etc. (the same as posts)

  • plus tons of other stuff I can't be arsed to post about :D

Feel free to add anything which others may find useful.

Similarly, if you notice any issues, let me know.
Wow, this is all going to take some getting used to. But it's looking positive I reckon. Thanks for all the time you're spending doing all this for us Brogan :thumbsup: I also voted no to the negative remarks, I tend to live by 'if you can't say something nice then don't say anything at all'. I wouldn't want to find negative reponses on my posts, personally that would make me not want to be here so much. That's probably just sensitive old me though.
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I put this on the other migration post. But I think it’s looking fantastic and it’s very fast. Initially I thought I’d landed on the wrong forum, but the new blue and yellow grew on me almost instantly.
On the Bristol City Forum "One Team In Bristol" the mods have removed the negative reactions after a couple of users went back through old posts to deliberately put negative responses on a user they didn't like. I think they don't add a great deal if I'm honest so have voted no.
the mods have removed the negative reactions after a couple of users went back through old posts to deliberately put negative responses on a user they didn't like.

There is scope for dealing with that, by removing the ability for individual members to use reactions

and to mass remove reactions they have given.

I would hope it wouldn't come to that though.
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