Announcement XenForo 1.4 - new features


Staff Member
The software the site runs on, XenForo, is approaching a new release - version 1.4.

Of particular interest may be the following.



The entire list of new features and functionality is here:
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The software has now been released as a public beta.

I will be upgrading the site later today, once I have confirmed that everything works on my local development installation.
If you weren't already aware, it's an online indicator.

Hover over it and an [Online Now] tooltip will appear.
Thanks Brogan I had worked out that it was an online indicator. I was just clarifying that it was the same thing as the little green dot in the top right in your initial point at the start. Being very computer thick, as I am, I tend to be very literal.
I forgot about the green dot, even though it's only been a few weeks (that's old age for you).
It was changed to a triangle in a new location based on feedback.
The update your status is definitely a fun feature but is it possible for you to add a a button so I can like someones comment on my status. teabagyokel added a great comment to a recent status of mine and would have loved to have given it a like.
Click the three dots ...

Oh wait, you mean you want to like comments on profiles.
No, that's not possible.
It would require custom development.
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