As some of you may have noticed, the site has been down a few times over the past couple of weeks.
It would appear that the server we are currently hosted on is on its last legs.
Additionally, as the OS is quite old, I am not able to upgrade the site to XF2 as the minimum requirements aren't met.
That being the case, I have decided to move the site to a new, managed server (so I don't have to worry about looking after it, upgrades, etc.).
I'm hoping to get it done fairly soon so you may notice a period of downtime as the migration completes.
Once we are on the new server, I can then look at installing an SSL (HTTPS) certificate, and upgrading the site.
It would appear that the server we are currently hosted on is on its last legs.
Additionally, as the OS is quite old, I am not able to upgrade the site to XF2 as the minimum requirements aren't met.
That being the case, I have decided to move the site to a new, managed server (so I don't have to worry about looking after it, upgrades, etc.).
I'm hoping to get it done fairly soon so you may notice a period of downtime as the migration completes.
Once we are on the new server, I can then look at installing an SSL (HTTPS) certificate, and upgrading the site.