Upgrade to XenForo 1.2

Works really well! And not to show off or anything but on Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean I have all the smileys in the world :):D:snigger:LOLROFL:(>:(;)8-) muhahahahahaha!!
Oi gethinceri
Until I get more time to work on them, the Fantasy F1 pages have been made non responsive so no matter which style you choose they will always be a fixed width.
The main Fantasy F1 index page is now responsive down to a width of 564px.


Anything less than that and a horizontal scrollbar will appear.
The limiting factor is the tables as the content can't wrap any further.

I will work on the other pages over the next few days but ultimately the content is not really suited to being displayed at very low widths so it's not going to be perfect.
That's great Brogan. Glad it's in your capable hands, as the above post might just as well be written in Mandarin, as far as this computer dullard is concerned.
After a bit of hackery pokery, the main FF1 index is now fully responsive down to the same minimum width as the rest of the site, which is 284px.

The tables will now overflow in their own containers.
All of the Fantasy F1 pages should now be fully responsive.

If anyone encounters any errors, post here so I can resolve them.
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