Thread marking not working as expected


May I suggest that "Mark Post as Read." be added so that when you go to a thread you automatically go to the last post you read as long as you have clicked the button or checked the box. and not to the top of the thread page you were last on.

My poor finger is getting tired scrolling my mouse wheel and it takes ages to find the last post read especially on the practice thread at the moment if you happen to be scrolling across the containers as they have to reach the bottom before the page moves down..

Anyway that's what I want so what are the chances? ;) pretty please....
The software already takes you to the oldest unread post, except for old threads.

if you happen to be scrolling across the containers as they have to reach the bottom before the page moves down...
Try scrolling outside the containers - on the left side where the avatars are for example.
The software already takes you to the oldest unread post, except for old threads.
It takes me to a post if I click on it in alerts but if I click on thread title and then the page number it simply take me to the top of the page and for some reason not all my alerts are coming through from either people I follow or from threads i am watching I know about scrolling at the edge of the page but in my haste i don't always check where my cursor is, my suggestion was just one of convenience and I feel it would add to the forum experience....

Only my opinion of course.....
There's definitely something not working correctly for you as that is exactly how it does and should work.

If you click on any unread thread title, whether that be in the forum list, What's New, or anywhere else, it should take you to the oldest unread post.
You don't need to to click on a page number, scroll or do anything else.
Maybe it is this version of firefox I am using or the settings I'll have a fiddle I seem to remember that is how it uses to work for me but I thought something on the site had changed...
You can also click the little orange square to the right of the avatar.


Hover over it and you should see the tool-tip message.
No there is definitely something wrong this end because if I simply click on the thread it take me to the first page no matter how many pages there are in the thread or how many time I visit the thread...
I believe thread marking is stored in the database so that's odd.

However, try logging out of the site, hard clearing all the cache from your browser and logging back in.

See if that makes any difference.
Tt is definitely server-side and not client-side, as I move between machines quite a lot and don't experience the issues that Mephistopheles does. That rules out it being a cookie thing. Works for me as Brogan describes and as it should. (Unless the session cookie is populated from the DB on login, in which case we are back to browser settings).
It takes me to a post if I click on it in alerts but if I click on thread title and then the page number it simply take me to the top of the page and for some reason not all my alerts are coming through from either people I follow or from threads i am watching I know about scrolling at the edge of the page

I'm getting that too.

Especially the alerts, when I've not been on for a day or two, and go to the alerts, not all them come up, unless I click on "show all" (which I recently figured), that will show old and new ones, not all of the new ones come up on the actually red icon above the Alerts option.
How did you manage to resolve them?

It could be useful information for the future if anyone else encounters the same issue.
That's odd because as ExtremeNinja posted earlier, everything is stored in the database so browser/device shouldn't have any affect on threads, alerts, etc.
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