You Bet 2022

well this race has well truly but the cat amongst the pigeons as a mix of mercedes unexpected domination & Red bull 1st defeat in 9 races & only their 3rd in 18 races. has really turned the championship upside down. so its congratulations to rufus_mcdufus whose bet on russell whose win was his 1st podium in 6 races got what must be record of near 3,500 profit. & take a near 2,000 lead.

honourable mention to aaron8831 & Dartman for there massive profits as well

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ive just remembered ill get the odds up. forgot yesterday because I got struck down with flu as last 24 hours everything hurts.

although ive never been so happy that porridge tasted awful as i knew it was covid LOL
thought with the final race of the season also id post a reminder of what world championship betting was going as well & if some of you will be getting any bonus money to add to the final total

bit later than planned, who knew watching 3 world cup games a day would make you very unproductive LOL

but 1st the results for the Abu dhabi Youbet are as followed & Perez was the only driver to finish in the top 4 & its congratulations to aaron8831 as he bet the largest amount on him

& the final honorary mentions for making a profit go to Bleu

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1st of all thanks to everyone who played, i hope it was as enjoyable for you as for me, & hope to see you all for 2023 when we get to do this 24 times, which is proof there is no such thing as too much F1 ;)

now for what everyone been waiting for the Final results & it congratulations to rufus_mcdufus becoming back to back champion which i hope they dont mind me saying is an astonishing turnaround as they were last with no money in monza. had a inspired bet on norris next time in singapore to move from last to 4th & from then on transformed their season

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Final standings
:1st: rufus_mcdufus
:2nd: aaron8831
:3rd: Dartman
4) Bleu
5) vintly
6) F1_Brits90
7) Il_leone
8) cider_and_toast
9) Greenlantern101
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