The V6 Engines

As far as McLaren and Honda were concerned the Mercedes units were sealed packages. They will have more detailed information about the performance of the engine etc. than other non-Mercedes teams, but in terms of the inner workings I doubt they'll know much more then anyone else.

There were a few snippets throughout the season that suggested how careful Mercedes were being to stop giving McLaren Honda a head start. Even from other teams there were quotes along the lines of "we don't know the details of what happened, Renault are analysing the data", and things like that.

I'm too lazy to find examples...
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There is a method of using X rays to look inside an engine in 3D no amount of seals can prevent that..

Here is an example..


And here is where such things are used.,9171,830958,00.html

So you see there is no need to take the engine apart at all and the link about it's uses was written in 1964 so you can see how old the technology is and how far it must have come by now, any car manufacturer worth it's salt will be using this method or a more improved method to examine it's engines...
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Well I am very hopeful that Honda will have created a great engine.

I also fervently hope that Renault and Ferrari use their "tokens" wisely during the off season and that Merc banish the reliability blues.

I want to see the racing tight and Championship won on the track ....not by retirements.
From what I've read it appears the McLaren/Honda problems were related to the communication between the Honda engine and ERS and it was stated that the failure was related to a component manufactured by McLaren. I can't see any reason why two high technology companies working together won't produce a very competitive reliable car.
The fact that the full account of the loophole has made it into the public domain suggests that the teams are using it more as leverage to get a point changed than something they intend to go through with. Would they really want to give Mercedes powered cars a two or three race speed adavantage?
ilmor built the Mercedes engines for Mclaren but they are and always have been completely independent from the Mercedes company and don't build the new V6 engines as far as I know..
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Right, it would seem Mercedes did buy out Ilmor but sold off the companies special projects division (which mainly made Indy engines) in 2005. This buisness was renamed Ilmor engineering and is not a part of Mercedes Ilmor or Mercedes High Performance Engines as it is now.

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