my football club, Tottenham Hotspur
don't do it G...
I could probably overcome my purely moral objections to BSkyB if it were for F1
Remember that News Int own a minority in BSkyB and because of the phone-hacking have withdrawn their takeover.
I have SKY sports, but I don't know what I will be doing
I will definitely be watching F1 as I am an avid fan, but I will have to see what the BBC is like and SKY when showing F1, I heard they will share the same commentray team.
So my option is not in the poll...
I'm in a very similar situation. I have had Sky since the 1990s, first for the football and in recent years for their cricket coverage. You cannot deny that the quanity and quality is much better than was previously available for both these sports - but then for £50+ per month, it damn well should be!!!
I don't want to come across as "I'm alright Jack", just stating facts as they are relevant to me. If I didn't have Sky already, would F1 tip me over the edge? Maybe, but then I like football and cricket, but getting Sky just for 10 GPs a year would make little sense.
Thinking about which races may be "only on Sky", I know they have said Monaco, GB and the season finale, but it would make most sense for the Beeb to also take the prime time races (to maximise sponsor exposure). I am expecting the Sky only ones to be the red eye ones in the far east plus one or two others.
Viewing figures on the Beeb seem to be 6m for the evening start times (Canada, Brazil & USA), 4m for the lunchtime starts and 2m for the early morning ones (Australia, Malaysia, China, Japan, India, Korea - which would be 6 of the ten I expect to be Sky only).
Would I watch on BBC if both were screening? Probably. I watch the Champions League final on terrestrial and can see the same being the case with F1, unless there is some magic in the Sky coverage that the BBC cannot mimick.