Current Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton MBE

A place to put all the posts from all the other threads primarily but love him or hate him, and even for the indifferent amongst us this is the place to discuss the marmite that is Lewis Hamilton, to learn a thing or two about his rise, talk about those controversial, genius or mad moments and something that i am bemused by, the recent articles that suggest something quite different to my perception of what's going on. Any experiences of meeting LH?

Brundle had to write a Lewis Hamilton article recently and in my tweets (which were probably ignored) I asked him to talk about LH the driver not LH the personality. It seems that you can't have one without the other.

So as a starter for ten, here is a fairly recent LH article. Posts should not be limited to this link but it can get some discussion going.

The only banned topic as it is clearly ridiculous involves these four things "Glock" "2008" "Brazil" "conspiracy"
F1 is an intense sport and requires total concentration. It is best not to disclose too much about any potential distractions or weaknesses which can be exploited by rivals.

If you look at Senna - Lewis' hero he sacrificed his wife / other half because he felt his motor racing career is important at the time

For Lewis he can't be thinking too much about personal problems if its affecting his performance on the track

The most successful drivers are the ones that are totally focused who can perform with little distractions or who are most settled.

What Lewis must not do is turn this Nicole situation into a soap opera....they broke up once and got back soon afterwards last year
Rosberg and Vettel don't have relationships with woman with exceptionally high public profile and so it's not comparable. If Lewis were to stop answering questions about Nicole he would get slaughtered for being aloof. He is public about his emotions and still gets criticised by some for talking too much

Most people can see that he is always a target for certain people and certain types of people from pundits to ex drivers to F1 fans

Yeah it's really not that hard to see that he is a target for the media and so on, he does little to change that.

He was dating Nicole but now it's over - does he really still need to answer qustions about it? No he does not. I personally couldn't care less about Lewis Hamilton's private life and how many issues he has, he needs to get on with the job and stop talking about Nicole. It's great that he is open about his emotions and I appreciate it but he doesn't have to say crap like this

I know he dates women with a high public profile but that still doesn't mean he has to answer every question about them.

This is all my opinion of course and is in no way meant as super harsh criticism towards Lewis. In fact I hope he has a good race.

(It's really pretty pathetic that I have to say this...)
You missed my entire point. Congratulations.
Your point being what exactly?

That you "personally couldn't care less about Lewis Hamilton's private life and how many issues he has" but still feel the need to read and post about it all the time?

It should be clear to everyone by now how Hamilton conducts himself in the media; if it annoys you that much, stop reading about it.

Insults thinly veiled as sarcasm do nothing to support your argument.
Your point being what exactly?

That you "personally couldn't care less about Lewis Hamilton's private life and how many issues he has" but still feel the need to read and post about it all the time?

It should be clear to everyone by now how Hamilton conducts himself in the media; if it annoys you that much, stop reading about it.

Insults thinly veiled as sarcasm do nothing to support your argument.

There was a big picture of a newspaper article posted in this thread, it's kind of hard to miss? Look, here it is again:

My point was that he could perhaps talk a little less about his private life, newspapers will get bored of asking about it in time and then he can focus more on the racing.

I'm sorry if it wasn't clear but English isn't my first language as you well know, so I might have some trouble conveying my points from time to time.

If you disagree with me feel free to say so, but can we please have a normal discussion in this thread for once without it spinning off into one liners and insults all the time??
I presume you mean libel, which is for written defamatory statements.

Still not sure where the libel is though, perhaps you could point it out?

"Even Hamilton came to me and said, 'Well done, you are still that good. Today you beat me fair and square.'". The fact Rubens has held on to this and still quotes this shows, not for the first time, the respect that Rubens has for Lewis' talent.
That shared island in the middle of thier garage may cost them championship contention in the future. I can't profess to know wether this is mutually beneficial or wether we might have seen all of the wins on one side of the garage with a different approach. Something to think about, though.

"Even Hamilton came to me and said, 'Well done, you are still that good. Today you beat me fair and square.'". The fact Rubens has held on to this and still quotes this shows, not for the first time, the respect that Rubens has for Lewis' talent.

or he's suggesting its a rarity or Hamilton to compliment anyone. You can read the quote either way even if you put the even in different type of print.
I bet other drivers wish they had had as bad a season as Lewis!

LH 2012

3 wins
3 second's
Every race he didn't retire from he was in the points.

I know he aspires to greater things but it's not a bad return given the relative speed of the Mclaren at the start of the year compared to the Red Bull and he was the only one to win a dry race against Vettel until Japan! Does this mean he was out performing the car? Oops, there's a can of worms opened up ;)
I bet other drivers wish they had had as bad a season as Lewis!

LH 2012

3 wins
3 second's
Every race he didn't retire from he was in the points.

I know he aspires to greater things but it's not a bad return given the relative speed of the Mclaren at the start of the year compared to the Red Bull and he was the only one to win a dry race against Vettel until Japan! Does this mean he was out performing the car? Oops, there's a can of worms opened up ;)

LH 2012?
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