Current Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton MBE

A place to put all the posts from all the other threads primarily but love him or hate him, and even for the indifferent amongst us this is the place to discuss the marmite that is Lewis Hamilton, to learn a thing or two about his rise, talk about those controversial, genius or mad moments and something that i am bemused by, the recent articles that suggest something quite different to my perception of what's going on. Any experiences of meeting LH?

Brundle had to write a Lewis Hamilton article recently and in my tweets (which were probably ignored) I asked him to talk about LH the driver not LH the personality. It seems that you can't have one without the other.

So as a starter for ten, here is a fairly recent LH article. Posts should not be limited to this link but it can get some discussion going.

The only banned topic as it is clearly ridiculous involves these four things "Glock" "2008" "Brazil" "conspiracy"
Helmut Marko has praised Hamilton and the McLaren team

“For us, we would not have minded if Hamilton had stayed quiet for even longer. When he is back at 100 per cent, Mr Hamilton is a dangerous opponent.”

They are like a terrier biting a bit more with each race,” he smiled. “McLaren emerge from every crisis, which shows the class of a racing team.”
He's a mixed up lad isn't he.

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It sounds like he was asked a question at the circuit. Some would say he'd be better off keeping his mouth shut, but his openness is one of the things that appeals to his fans. We don't want everyone to be like Kimi, eh?
I don't think you have to be like Kimi if you want to keep a little privacy, just look at most of the other drivers like Rubens, Vettel or Nico Rosberg...What exactly do we know about their private lives? Next to nothing, and yet they are more articulate than Kimi:).
I just think Lewis would be better off not talking about his personal matters all the time, because if he doesn't perform well at this weekend's GP, everybody would talk about him and his personal problems again, which I thought was something he tried to avoid in the future...
I always liked Lewis and I still consider him as my favourite driver, but I think he isn't dealing with this situation in the best possible way. But again, he seems to be in real emotional turmoil and we all know that you never have the clearest mind in those situations, and things are being said that maybe shouldn't have been said...
it's a private matter, it should stay private, shouldn't it? It's none of our business...
I doubt he could win in this situation.

If he ignores journalists he gets slated for being arrogant, withdrawn, miserable and surly - witness all the column inches written about him just a few weeks ago when he basically said nothing and kept his head down.

Now he responds to questions and gets criticised for it.

It's nothing new as far as Hamilton is concerned though, no matter what he does, some will find a reason to criticise it.
When you date someone who is well known in the celebrity circus then its hard to keep your privacy.

I sincerely Lewis does not date either Rihanna or Naomi Campbell given their reputations
When you date someone who is well known in the celebrity circus then its hard to keep your privacy.

I sincerely Lewis does not date either Rihanna or Naomi Campbell given their reputations

Or any other girl of any other ethnicity.... not wanting to pigeon hole the boy.
I doubt he could win in this situation.

If he ignores journalists he gets slated for being arrogant, withdrawn, miserable and surly - witness all the column inches written about him just a few weeks ago when he basically said nothing and kept his head down.

Now he responds to questions and gets criticised for it.

It's nothing new as far as Hamilton is concerned though, no matter what he does, some will find a reason to criticise it.

I think what GermanF1 meant was that Hamilton would be better off by saying "No comment" or explicitly stating that he doesn't want to talk about his private life/certain areas of his private life. Just like Rosberg/Vettel etc. do. I personally don't care.
I think you're just imagining criticism where there is none now - no offense!

Unless he is being criticised for this in the British media, which I would obviously not know...
I think what GermanF1 meant was that Hamilton would be better off by saying "No comment" or explicitly stating that he doesn't want to talk about his private life/certain areas of his private life. Just like Rosberg/Vettel etc. ..

Rosberg and Vettel don't have relationships with woman with exceptionally high public profile and so it's not comparable. If Lewis were to stop answering questions about Nicole he would get slaughtered for being aloof. He is public about his emotions and still gets criticised by some for talking too much

Most people can see that he is always a target for certain people and certain types of people from pundits to ex drivers to F1 fans
Nicole and Lewis aint Posh and Becks . Nicole does not need to brag about Lewis' achievements or say something stupid about their private life to embarrass Lewis like Posh did .

Nicole's previous relationship before Lewis she kept very quiet....what Lewis does not need is someone who will brag his name about to get themselves noticed.
That's why you dont go out with a black girl! If you've ever seen everybody hates chris!
(No racism intended!)
I cant believe you just said that!

On Lewis. He's been saying for at least the second half of this season, that his problems are private and personal. Yet still people who should know better have come to their own conclusions and spouted off. Now he has said something and guess what, already people are criticising him.
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