Current Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton MBE

A place to put all the posts from all the other threads primarily but love him or hate him, and even for the indifferent amongst us this is the place to discuss the marmite that is Lewis Hamilton, to learn a thing or two about his rise, talk about those controversial, genius or mad moments and something that i am bemused by, the recent articles that suggest something quite different to my perception of what's going on. Any experiences of meeting LH?

Brundle had to write a Lewis Hamilton article recently and in my tweets (which were probably ignored) I asked him to talk about LH the driver not LH the personality. It seems that you can't have one without the other.

So as a starter for ten, here is a fairly recent LH article. Posts should not be limited to this link but it can get some discussion going.

The only banned topic as it is clearly ridiculous involves these four things "Glock" "2008" "Brazil" "conspiracy"
The US Government has now formally stated that there is no evidence of extra terrestrial life.

Has that changed anyone's mind about whether ET actually exists or not? No!

Is it not possible to accept that both are good drivers, both worthy World Champions, both deserving of their seat in one of the fastest cars on the grid and both more than capable of winning races regardless of circumstances? Who's better Lewis or Jenson? I have an opinion, you have an opinion, my great Aunt Nelly has an opinion but what we are never going to do in these circular discussions is change anyone's mind if they have already made it up.

Great season for Jenson - 3 wins. Poor season for Lewis - 3 wins. :dizzy: If Lewis wins in Brazil and Jenson DNF's he's 2 points behind in the title race. Make your mind up, not much to choose is there?
Well whoever's better, Hamilton now joins Button and Schumacher leaving behind Alonso and Vettel as the only world champions currently in F1 who have never been beaten on points by a teammate.
Well whoever's better, Hamilton now joins Button and Schumacher leaving behind Alonso and Vettel as the only world champions currently in F1 who have never been beaten on points by a teammate.

I am not having that Viscount on a purely pedantic basis. Alonso was one point behind Trulli at the latter's sacking at the 2004 Italian Grand Prix. So, I'm not going to be allowing any drivers to be mollycoddled over the line like that and say Jarno beat him in 2004.
I think that this season Lewis has embodied the phrase "form temporary, class permanent"

His pace has always been there, and in reality, he has never been too far off the pace. A few errors, maybe, but I think what needs to be taken into consideration is that generally, he will be measured against peoples expectations of him, and whilst he has won three races, some of his other results have fallen some way short of where he and others feel he should be.

The fact that he will end up behind his team mate is an aside, and shows that jenson has had a good season, compared to peoples expectations.

I hope that next season McLaren have a car to challenge, then I am sure this seasons travails will be forgotten, and we can have some more edifying discussions.
I am not having that Viscount on a purely pedantic basis. Alonso was one point behind Trulli at the latter's sacking at the 2004 Italian Grand Prix. So, I'm not going to be allowing any drivers to be mollycoddled over the line like that and say Jarno beat him in 2004.
True, though the stat is based on an entire season rather than just the period they were both in the same car. Anyway, if Trulli had just been a good little Massa at Monaco that year, Alonso would've won and Trulli might have been retained until the end of the season so Alonso would've likely finished ahead of him on points for the season!:D
Yes nice to hear him sounding positive about next year. And nice to hear him refuting Whitmarsh's claim that he was affected by Button's strong performance. I mean what was Whitmarsh thinking saying that? a) its not true b) If it was true why would he broadcast it and potentially exasperate the problem?
Lewis speaks out about that more strongly in the Independant saying

"He made some comments which I disagree with. It's rubbish........................Jenson's doing a great job for the team. But thats not affecting the way I'm performing"

If you dont know the truth and cant say anything constructive best keep quiet Martin, I bet Lewis was seething. I would have been if I was him.

Lewis has had one or two disagreements with Ron Dennis. So this is not the first boss he's had a disagreement with

As Lewis has admitted he's had personal issues and admits Jenson has people around him to support him including his manager (...are you listening Simon Fuller !) whilst admitting he's found it difficult with his dad not around due to their strained relationship since he sacked him and wants him back more often
The US Government has now formally stated that there is no evidence of extra terrestrial life.

Has that changed anyone's mind about whether ET actually exists or not? No!

Is it not possible to accept that both are good drivers, both worthy World Champions, both deserving of their seat in one of the fastest cars on the grid and both more than capable of winning races regardless of circumstances? Who's better Lewis or Jenson? I have an opinion, you have an opinion, my great Aunt Nelly has an opinion but what we are never going to do in these circular discussions is change anyone's mind if they have already made it up.

Great season for Jenson - 3 wins. Poor season for Lewis - 3 wins. :dizzy: If Lewis wins in Brazil and Jenson DNF's he's 2 points behind in the title race. Make your mind up, not much to choose is there?

Even Murray Walker admitted Lewis has regressed this season in comparison to previous season's standards

Why he's had a poor season

JB - 3 wins, 11 podiums, 2 dnfs- team errors/mechanical

LH - 3 wins , 6 podiums, 2 dnfs - accidents plus too many penalties

FA - 1 win , 10 podiums, 1 dnf

MW - 0 wins !, 9 podiums ( only 2 2nd places),, 1 dnf - accident

Its the accidents and penalties that has blighted Hamilton's season

Lewis has had one or two disagreements with Ron Dennis. So this is not the first boss he's had a disagreement with

As Lewis has admitted he's had personal issues and admits Jenson has people around him to support him including his manager (...are you listening Simon Fuller !) whilst admitting he's found it difficult with his dad not around due to their strained relationship since he sacked him and wants him back more often

Simon Fuller? No. Does he think Whitmarsh is doing the dirty on Lewis as well?
Agree about his dad, silly boy letting a gem like that go.
Im not blaming Whitmarsh for Lewis' woes this year. I just think he's handling it atrociously and has a down on the guy, probably because he has a huge up on the other guy.But its not professional.

EDIT: HAHA. I just reread what you wrote. I thought you meant had I been listening to Simon FullerROFL. Do you know I cant see Simon Fuller being much use in an F1 garage...Er, is he bigger than WhitmarshLOL
Simon Fuller? No. Does he think Whitmarsh is doing the dirty on Lewis as well?
Agree about his dad, silly boy letting a gem like that go.
Im not blaming Whitmarsh for Lewis' woes this year. I just think he's handling it atrociously and has a down on the guy, probably because he has a huge up on the other guy.But its not professional.

EDIT: HAHA. I just reread what you wrote. I thought you meant had I been listening to Simon FullerROFL. Do you know I cant see Simon Fuller being much use in an F1 garage...Er, is he bigger than WhitmarshLOL

I meant Jenson's personal manager is around the garage as well
He( Mr Fuller) seems invisible to me that EJ did not even notice he was around in India when saying Lewis needs his dad around and his manager has not been there for him like he should have been.

Interestingly Lewis mentions he needs his friends around more.... I am assuming he does not meant people like P Diddy,and Rihanna who offer Lewis nothing apart from freebies to parties and concerts
Lewis may disagree with Whitmarsh' words but then again Whitmarsh is only looking at a professional level of Lewis not what he gets up to off the track. Whitmarsh was annoyed that the press seems to be talking too much about Hamilton's incidents and taking the gloss of what Button does on the track.

Also Whitmarsh said in Korea that Lewis told him he was okay in dealing things professionally and that if the press want to ask about personal issues they should be addressing these to Lewis himself

Whitmarsh has not done the Flavio treatment and started accusing Lewis of being a playboy or a partygoer yet

I meant Jenson's personal manager is around the garage as well
He( Mr Fuller) seems invisible to me that EJ did not even notice he was around in India when saying Lewis needs his dad around and his manager has not been there for him like he should have been.

Interestingly Lewis mentions he needs his friends around more.... I am assuming he does not meant people like P Diddy,and Rihanna who offer Lewis nothing apart from freebies to parties and concerts
Lewis may disagree with Whitmarsh' words but then again Whitmarsh is only looking at a professional level of Lewis not what he gets up to off the track. Whitmarsh was annoyed that the press seems to be talking too much about Hamilton's incidents and taking the gloss of what Button does on the track.

Also Whitmarsh said in Korea that Lewis told him he was okay in dealing things professionally and that if the press want to ask about personal issues they should be addressing these to Lewis himself

Whitmarsh has not done the Flavio treatment and started accusing Lewis of being a playboy or a partygoer yet

I know Whitmarsh gets irritated when the press ask about Lewis and not Jenson. Thats been clear all year. When Jens did badly he'd bring his name in the conversation making excuses. When Lewis doe s badly he just waxes lyrical about Jenson.
Whitmarsh really cant accuse of being a playboy and a partygoer because he clearly isnt. Jens was, Lewis isnt.
But really their private life is their private life. Its how Whitmarsh reacts to their professional life and their racing that I take issue with.
Yeah Fuller-not good. Jens' seems much better.
I know Whitmarsh gets irritated when the press ask about Lewis and not Jenson. Thats been clear all year. When Jens did badly he'd bring his name in the conversation making excuses. When Lewis doe s badly he just waxes lyrical about Jenson.
Whitmarsh really cant accuse of being a playboy and a partygoer because he clearly isnt. Jens was, Lewis isnt.
But really their private life is their private life. Its how Whitmarsh reacts to their professional life and their racing that I take issue with.
Yeah Fuller-not good. Jens' seems much better.

Whitmarsh has not exactly said the people around Lewis aren;t good for him either because its none of his business to sort to deal with driver's personal issues unless off course Lewis starts showing a total lack of professionalism

any boss would be irritated if you're asked about your guy that finished 5th rather than the other guy who was 1st or 2nd even Ron Dennis.
Yes Jenson has beaten Lewis over the year-undisputed. Not sure why Whitmnarsh feels the need to dwell on the KERS problem since Button himself has said he wasnt fast enough on the softs even without that problem. As to fighting for second, by lap three, long before the KERS problem Jenson had been overtaken by Alonso, dropped 5.238s to Hamilton and had to work to keep Webber at bay. This was a race where Lewis was better than Jenson. Why is it so hard to accept that?

It's an open question to why, Whitmarsh as you say felt a need to dwell on Button's KERS problem, especially when he said, " I think it was probably around lap 10 when he started to have issues. " By lap 10 Lewis was already 9.7 seconds ahead down the road from Jenson, before his KERS problem develpoed.
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