Current Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton MBE

A place to put all the posts from all the other threads primarily but love him or hate him, and even for the indifferent amongst us this is the place to discuss the marmite that is Lewis Hamilton, to learn a thing or two about his rise, talk about those controversial, genius or mad moments and something that i am bemused by, the recent articles that suggest something quite different to my perception of what's going on. Any experiences of meeting LH?

Brundle had to write a Lewis Hamilton article recently and in my tweets (which were probably ignored) I asked him to talk about LH the driver not LH the personality. It seems that you can't have one without the other.

So as a starter for ten, here is a fairly recent LH article. Posts should not be limited to this link but it can get some discussion going.

The only banned topic as it is clearly ridiculous involves these four things "Glock" "2008" "Brazil" "conspiracy"
the problem is Lewis chose the wrong person to be his manager and mixed in with the wrong crowd or people that do his reputation no good.

Whether Lewis thought his dad was being too controlling for him only he and Anthony can answer that.

Lewis ' first sign of not concentrating on the track was his idea of having fun doing a burn out last year in front of the police in Melbourne

But if Lewis had chosen a decent person who knows the workings of F1 as his manager - not Flavio Briatore then he might have had less scrutiny.

Going with Simon Fuller is always going to be trouble especially of his contacts with the celebrity circus with the music industry etc. I did think what on earth is Rihanna doing at the Canadian GP earlier this year in the Mclaren garage?

Its easy to pick on SImon Fuller because lets be honest he seems to be invincible at most races that EJ did not even realise he was at India GP with Lewis.

Lewis has learnt a hard lesson and I think if he is wise he should sack Fuller and get a proper manager not someone who will get him into clubs and parties for free
Lewis took the flack because the BBC chose to put his dad on tele. I dont remember any outcry against Button when the same happenned with his dad...who wasnt even his manager.
Bernie just drags out the same points that have been made before ...and appears to dislike rappers.
Lewis ' first sign of not concentrating on the track was his idea of having fun doing a burn out last year in front of the police in Melbourne

Oh come on. lewis wasnt even at work then, he was outside the track and fell foul of draconian laws. The whole fuss was OTT. Vettel did doughnuts, thats not allowed either. No fuss about it, neither should there be. Neither transgression was a danger. Bit of fun by two young men letting off steam
Lewis has learnt a hard lesson and I think if he is wise he should sack Fuller and get a proper manager not someone who will get him into clubs and parties for free


seriously though, whats a proper manager gonna do instead then? lets not forget that Anthony was his father as well as manager

Bernie just drags out the same points that have been made before ...and appears to dislike rappers.

I think Bernie got mugged by a guy wearing a hood and assumes it was a rapper
Lewis took the flack because the BBC chose to put his dad on tele. I dont remember any outcry against Button when the same happenned with his dad

Firstly it was ITV that saturated us with Anthony Hamilton and secondly the out cry wasn;t against Lewis it was against pointless media interviews with his dad - and you're wrong the interviews with John Button were equally mocked.
I suppose, if there was any difference in reaction, it had more to do with the location of the respective fathers - JB's dad was always pictured out of the main garage, watching on screens, but AH was always pictured in the garage, peering at data-screens and raising the question of why he was there! Personally, I am strongly of the belief that anyone who doesn't work on the cars has no place being in the garage - and should be located somewhere else! - whether that's fathers, managers, girlfriends, entourages - anything! - and this should be true for ALL drivers!

PS. Just because you don't remember something doesn't mean it didn't happen!
A lot of people say that Lewis shouldn't have parted ways with his father as his manager but as his manager what exactly can his father do for him that another manager can't? Surely his father should be still able to provide him with the emotional support without participating in his financial dealings.

Personally I don't think family and business can really mix especially in a high pressure environment like Formula One where you're not always going to agree with everything your manager suggests, which is why drivers often change their manager. I'm not aware of any other drivers who have a family member as their manager, yet a lot of them do have family members there for support.
I suppose, if there was any difference in reaction, it had more to do with the location of the respective fathers - JB's dad was always pictured out of the main garage, watching on screens, but AH was always pictured in the garage, peering at data-screens and raising the question of why he was there! Personally, I am strongly of the belief that anyone who doesn't work on the cars has no place being in the garage - and should be located somewhere else! - whether that's fathers, managers, girlfriends, entourages - anything! - and this should be true for ALL drivers!

PS. Just because you don't remember something doesn't mean it didn't happen!

But then you'd miss out on classic moments like Rowan Atkinson in India! Or the Massa family celebrating at Brazil in 2008.
Oh come on. lewis wasnt even at work then, he was outside the track and fell foul of draconian laws. The whole fuss was OTT. Vettel did doughnuts, thats not allowed either. No fuss about it, neither should there be. Neither transgression was a danger. Bit of fun by two young men letting off steam

Well there's a bit of a difference between doing a doughnut on track and doing burnouts on the street...
Let's not forget, at that very same weekend, Alonso and two other drivers were racing each other on their way back to their hotel, through busy streets packed with traffic.
It was caught on video and uploaded to YouTube.

I would have thought that was far more dangerous than doing a wheelspin.

Apparently not though because none of the usual media outlets reported it.
Funny that.

Now let's talk about perspective, balance and fair treatment. Oh and hypocrisy.
Never seen that before Bro. Not the most responsible thing in the world.

However I'll tell you a story. My other half recieved a speeding fine the other day for doing 39 miles an hour in a 30 mile an hour zone. It was on a Sunday morning on a pretty empty road on her way to Ikea. On the same day she recieved that fine I saw some idiot bomb through a built up area near a school at home time at about 80 but as no one pulled him over and no speed camera's went off I can only take it that the fool got away with it which kind of brings me to my point however wrong it is that Alonso and co were not caught and punished the fact remains that Lewis was caught and was rightly chastised for the incident - I would have said the same about any driver in the same situation.

As for the Media outlets not reporting the Alonso incident - I'm guessing they have to be very careful about reporting something like that which has merely been caught on a video phone and has not had any action taken against it. The price we pay for a free world is that sometimes life is unfair and people get away with things they should be punished for. Personally I believe in karma though so what comes around goes around. However when you talk about fairness and perspective are you really telling me that you believe if it had been Fernando Alonso caught the way Lewis was that the British Media wouldn't have gone to town on it? Price of fame I'm afraid the bigger the star the more they pay for their misdemeners.

I will point out though that the only reason I jumped in here was because Hamilton's offence was being compared with Vettel doing donuts on a race track. Completely different.
I would tend to agree with all of that.

I suppose the point I am making is that in the last few years, Hamilton by no means was the only driver to behave irresponsibly on a public road, or even be the only one caught doing so.

He was however the only one to be vilified despised for it. The hysterical overreaction would have been amusing if it wasn't so pathetic.
I love Dennis saying that he decided it was more dangerous to stop since his friend was following in another car, and might run into him. So he evidently thought it was safer to run the red light and presumably for the following friend to do likewise!

A 6 month suspension is too lenient.
Back on thread, perhaps it is my contrarian nature, but if I were Lewis, and Bernie started telling me how to live my life, I would retire at the end of my current contract. Lewis can make tons of money with personal endorsements and should never have to work again. F1 needs him far more than Lewis needs F1. He can easily live the rest of his life in comfort without having to deal with the bovine excrement that goes with living under a microscope while driving in F1.
F1 needs him far more than Lewis needs F1

oooo gonna have to disagree with you on that front my friend. I seem to remember a certain Mr Mansell thought the same thing when he headed off to the states in 93 and what happened? F1 went on without him and by the time he decided he wanted to come back the sport had moved on and didn't want him.

Lewis Hamilton is offered endorsments because he's one of the best F1 drivers in the world - take him out of F1 and they'd soon dry up because he'd just be that bloke who used to be one of the best drivers in the world. No one is bigger than the sport. Super stars come and super stars go but F1 has been here over 60 years.

Especially with the current field. Maybe from a British perspective it might lose something without Lewis but you really telling me you wouldn't be hooked by a Vettel/Alonso/Button scrap? Or fascinated to see which of the up and comings takes Lewis's seat and pushes the car on?

However Lewis Hamilton is no fool so I don't think we'll see him quiting F1 anytime soon.
......and a big difference between doing something on a race track and on a public road!

true, although it was the road leading out of the circuit and it was on a race weekend. Hardly the same as doing it on a public road full of normal motorists.

Hardly in the same league as Kimi who was said to have been fined 7000 euros for drink driving in the centre of a European capital, but then the same media who vilified Lewis probably failed to report this and if they did probably just attributed it to his unique hell raising character!
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