Current Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton MBE

A place to put all the posts from all the other threads primarily but love him or hate him, and even for the indifferent amongst us this is the place to discuss the marmite that is Lewis Hamilton, to learn a thing or two about his rise, talk about those controversial, genius or mad moments and something that i am bemused by, the recent articles that suggest something quite different to my perception of what's going on. Any experiences of meeting LH?

Brundle had to write a Lewis Hamilton article recently and in my tweets (which were probably ignored) I asked him to talk about LH the driver not LH the personality. It seems that you can't have one without the other.

So as a starter for ten, here is a fairly recent LH article. Posts should not be limited to this link but it can get some discussion going.

The only banned topic as it is clearly ridiculous involves these four things "Glock" "2008" "Brazil" "conspiracy"
Interesting. Also, who is knocking him for emulating Senna? I was arguing that the Senna-Prost/Ham-Button comparison may be cliché but it is reasonable. I don't see it as a negative evaluation for either man (how could it be?)
Oh I wasnt meaning you, or any person in particular. I agree with your point about the valid comparison. But I have heard lots of negativity towards him because such comparisons are made. Why? Like you I dont understand why.
Oh I wasnt meaning you, or any person in particular. I agree with your point about the valid comparison. But I have heard lots of negativity towards him because such comparisons are made. Why? Like you I dont understand why.

The reason for the negativity is because of some of the soundbites that came out from LH during his debut season such as "Senna is watching over me" etc etc etc... Certainly, I think this has raised a few peoples hackles...
Regardless, it's a bit of a bold claim, especially for a rookie.

Who really cares though? It's like saying "God is watching over me" only he used Senna's name.

He also said that God was on his side and that it was his destiny to win the WDC. Personally I don't think that God is too interested in F1, he has other things on his mind.
He also said that God was on his side and that it was his destiny to win the WDC. Personally I don't think that God is too interested in F1, he has other things on his mind.

Well personally I dont think there is a God full stop. But if those beliefs help lewis where's the harm? Senna was very religious and believed similarly.He certainly linked that unreal pole lap round Monaco in 1988 when he was 'in the zone' and two seconds faster than any other driver on the grid, to the divine hand of God.
Well personally I dont think there is a God full stop. But if those beliefs help lewis where's the harm? Senna was very religious and believed similarly.He certainly linked that unreal pole lap round Monaco in 1988 when he was 'in the zone' and two seconds faster than any other driver on the grid, to the divine hand of God.

When Senna talked about God watching over him and that famous interview where he stated that he went round the final corner at Suzuka and said he "Saw God", this led to a lot of dislike and ridicule from the press and his colleagues.... after that, he became a lot less vocal about the matter.....
When Senna talked about God watching over him and that famous interview where he stated that he went round the final corner at Suzuka and said he "Saw God", this led to a lot of dislike and ridicule from the press and his colleagues.... after that, he became a lot less vocal about the matter.....

And so the similarities between Lewis and Ayrton continue.
I think it is a little desperate (for want of a better word) to get so airated about Lewis' helmet colour.

Whether it was to emulate Senna, or be visible, I am not certain, however, neither seems a reason to ridicule.
If I had a yellow helmet I'd probably go and see a doctor LOL
When Senna talked about God watching over him and that famous interview where he stated that he went round the final corner at Suzuka and said he "Saw God", this led to a lot of dislike and ridicule from the press and his colleagues.... after that, he became a lot less vocal about the matter.....
Only to British speaking media though. Interviews in his native tongue he kept being vocal about it, possibly more so as time went on
Nonsense! I know for a fact he was a rabid de Cesaris fan. How else do you think he lasted in F1 so long? Or even survived his myriad incidents for that matter!

PS - Here ends the deity discussion in F1 threads. We have other areas for that.

What cack! If He was such a fan of Andrea he'd have given the poor guy one win surely? I suppose he did bail him out a bit in the Bridge crash in the Jordan in 91 though, that could have been nasty.
Even the best make mistakes.Stuff happens in one's first couple of years in F1.

Sometimes happens when one has been in it for quite a few. Please note, I don't normally go in for this sort of tit for tat thing and I'm only going to do it once so don't expect an argument. The pictures tell the story and there it should endeth:) :äikkönen.3063/page-10#post-92049
I think he found the edit funny, not the crash itself.

Shouldn't we be able to have a laugh about this sort of thing, even if it is one of our favorite drivers?
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