Current Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton MBE

A place to put all the posts from all the other threads primarily but love him or hate him, and even for the indifferent amongst us this is the place to discuss the marmite that is Lewis Hamilton, to learn a thing or two about his rise, talk about those controversial, genius or mad moments and something that i am bemused by, the recent articles that suggest something quite different to my perception of what's going on. Any experiences of meeting LH?

Brundle had to write a Lewis Hamilton article recently and in my tweets (which were probably ignored) I asked him to talk about LH the driver not LH the personality. It seems that you can't have one without the other.

So as a starter for ten, here is a fairly recent LH article. Posts should not be limited to this link but it can get some discussion going.

The only banned topic as it is clearly ridiculous involves these four things "Glock" "2008" "Brazil" "conspiracy"
What conspiracy fire exactly? What is your definition of conspiracy or even fire?

There is a regular meeting where drivers discuss things like chicanes, track safety etc. It is a fact that the on track conduct of Mr Hamilton has been tabled for discussion. For most meeting advanced notice is given on topics so all those interested can prepare something to contribute

Why are you bringing up conspiracies or bringing ridicule to a valid and pertinent subject?

The current speculation is who will turn up (speak up, contribute etc)
There is a regular meeting where drivers discuss things like chicanes, track safety etc. It is a fact that the on track conduct of Mr Hamilton has been tabled for discussion. For most meeting advanced notice is given on topics so all those interested can prepare something to contribute
Thats intereresting.Could you please supply a link to the GPDA website showing the agenda.
Did I mention GPDA? I think you did

Please read posts carefully before responding
Did I mention GPDA? I think you did

Please read posts carefully before responding
No you didn't mention the the GPDA
But the GPDA is the body which discusses all the aspects you refer to.That being so could you please supply a reputable source FIA if you wish or any other source where the facts can be confirmed.
Well, I guess we can conclude that with no proof, the "fact" that Hamilton is going to be discussed is likely a fairy tale!

Glad that's cleared up then, now back to racing!
This was reported in Autosprint and picked up and reported by UK press, no one has sued the UK press for defamation yet
The Italian specialist Autosprint magazine has reported that Hamilton's competitors have asked for a special meeting with Charlie Whiting at Suzuka to discuss the British driver's many on-track clashes so far in 2011.

But I am sure that there is a link to the GPDA confirming that no meeting is scheduled and that UK papers are lying
I'm glad you finally gave a source! An official one would be better but I guess we'll have to make do with an Italian magazine!

I'm going to remain fairly skeptical until I've seen it confirmed by a driver, the FIA or the GPDA though ;)
It remains to be seen whether the meeting which was reported will actually take place, hopefully not, but you never know, maybe the drivers want to discuss the fact that Lewis seems to be on the receiving end of unfair treatment!!

Also, just a small point, but reporting that an Italian magazine reported something is not the same as reporting it directly.

The fact that the Italian media reported it is not in question, however, I am not sure that the wording of the article as shown constitutes a reporting of the same incident by the British press.
What conspiracy fire exactly? What is your definition of conspiracy or even fire?

There is a regular meeting where drivers discuss things like chicanes, track safety etc. It is a fact that the on track conduct of Mr Hamilton has been tabled for discussion. For most meeting advanced notice is given on topics so all those interested can prepare something to contribute

Why are you bringing up conspiracies or bringing ridicule to a valid and pertinent subject?

The current speculation is who will turn up (speak up, contribute etc)

Oh Cook Cook Cook - so aggressive!

I was refering to the speculation regarding who will turn up and that it will show how much support Lewis has on the grid. If all the drivers have to go to the GPDA meeting then it doesn't show who dislikes Lewis and who loves him because they all have to be there.
Just pointing out that there is no conspiracy theory about the meeting, no previous mention of an official GPDA meeting and still no evidence of who said that 'all the drivers hate Hamilton'

But I wont get in the way of a good :rolleyes:
There seems to be a very nasty undercurrent developing when it comes to any discussion on Hamilton.

Regarding the so-called meeting, Kovalainen said he wouldn't be attending.
Whether that means there is an actual meeting or not, I guess we'll find out after the event.

Or not, as the case may be.
Just pointing out that there is no conspiracy theory about the meeting, no previous mention of an official GPDA meeting and still no evidence of who said that 'all the drivers hate Hamilton'

But I wont get in the way of a good :rolleyes:

Having not suggested any of those things I'm completely with you. I was merely going along with the fact if it was a GPDA meeting this speculation of who will turn up and who won't is a bit pointless as its an official meeting - hence "that pisses on that conspiracy fire"

But don't let that get in the way of a good martyrism

If it is indeed a seperate meeting called by Felipe Massa then indeed lets speculate and indeed lets mock Massa for being such a big baby over all of this. Its nearly as bad as the Truli/Sutil fight in 09 - like Jarno Felipe just needs to let it go. Apart from the fact that I don't recall what Rob said, I don't think there's any value in stirring up trouble now and trying to link this with the subsequent contact with Hamilton: they are two separate moments and they have nothing to do with each other.
"I'm sure that Lewis and I will find a way to clear this up and put a lid on this story, as is only correct between two drivers. What happens on the track should remain on the track." Felipe Massa has no plans to raise Lewis Hamilton's driving standards with FIA race director Charlie Whiting despite being hit by the McLaren driver during Singapore Grand Prix.
Reports last week suggested that a group of drivers planned to question the number of on-track incidents Hamilton has had recently in the drivers' briefing.
But Massa insists that he considers the matter closed as the collision was dealt with by a drive-through penalty and this punishment is enough to make the McLaren driver think about his driving standards.
"I have nothing to say because everything he does, he pays for," said Massa when asked by AUTOSPORT if he plans to take up the issue with Whiting.
"The FIA is doing what is inside the regulations. If you cause an accident, or if you drive not in the right way, you are going to have a drive-through. And he had a drive-through. It's time enough for him to learn, to be honest."
GPDA chairman Rubens Barrichello confirmed that he also has no concerns Hamilton's driving and that he does not expect the topic to be discussed in the drivers' briefing.
"I don't think that's happening," said the Brazilian. "I think someone has made that up. We talk during the briefings about everything and then in the GPDA we get together and talk a bit further.
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