Current Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton MBE

A place to put all the posts from all the other threads primarily but love him or hate him, and even for the indifferent amongst us this is the place to discuss the marmite that is Lewis Hamilton, to learn a thing or two about his rise, talk about those controversial, genius or mad moments and something that i am bemused by, the recent articles that suggest something quite different to my perception of what's going on. Any experiences of meeting LH?

Brundle had to write a Lewis Hamilton article recently and in my tweets (which were probably ignored) I asked him to talk about LH the driver not LH the personality. It seems that you can't have one without the other.

So as a starter for ten, here is a fairly recent LH article. Posts should not be limited to this link but it can get some discussion going.

The only banned topic as it is clearly ridiculous involves these four things "Glock" "2008" "Brazil" "conspiracy"
Makes you wonder how many actually will turn up when push comes to shove.

Let's see who will attend: with his reason given for Vettel., yes, yes. 1997----------------------Rosberg...?...would be suprised if he attends. would roll over in his grave. to Lewis at.............Maldanado...yes.
Brazil in 2009. Lewis to be best mate......Di Hamilton.
Buemi...?.............................................................Alguersuari...?. ok in his book................Trulli...yes.
Ricciardo...? after Monza.
Glock...?...received alot of stick Brazil 2008.......D'ambrisio...?.
I agree with your assessment lewy, also I think all of your question marks will not go to the meeting. Rosberg and Hamilton are friends as far as I know, Kobayashi has a similar driving style to Hamilton and has been in just as many, if not more, minor accidents as Hamilton, Perez I don't think has a good reason for attending, Buemi and Alguersuari might be attending just to try to remove a competitor for Red Bull but that would be a little far-fetched so I don't see them going, Ricciardo no, Glock has no reason, D'Ambrosio has no reason.

Whoever shows up and whatever the outcome it will be a farce.
They're already on their way to the meeting apparently.

I think that Felipe Massa should be more concerned that he is 100 points behind his team mate than trying to organize some sort of vendetta against Lewis Hamilton.
Tbh, not taken much notice of F1 news over the weekend. So only just found out from here about this drivers meeting.

Really!? This is all going just too far now.

Ive been a bit of a critic of Hamilton because of the incidents he has been in over the 18 months. but at the same time, most have been clumsy, carless things.

I really hope nothing comes of this, and when i here the three muskteers from the BBc on saturday it will be forgotten about.
Let's see who will attend: with his reason given for Vettel., yes, yes. 1997----------------------Rosberg...?...would be suprised if he attends. would roll over in his grave. to Lewis at.............Maldanado...yes.
Brazil in 2009. Lewis to be best mate......Di Hamilton.
Buemi...?.............................................................Alguersuari...?. ok in his book................Trulli...yes.
Ricciardo...? after Monza.
Glock...?...received alot of stick Brazil 2008.......D'ambrisio...?.

I dont think Kobi would, he's picked him out as the best driver recently.
Rosberg is a good friend, so i dont think he would either.
I think I read somewhere that Buemi is somewhat indifferent, wouldnt join a witch hunt
Not looking like many is it. Massa, Maldonado and Trulli. The rest either like and support him or are indifferent/this is racing.
If the attendance by the drivers is poor will it show that they are not all against Hamilton? If so, what will that mean to those on here who were saying recently that all the drivers hate him? Will they recant?
If the attendance by the drivers is poor will it show that they are not all against Hamilton? If so, what will that mean to those on here who were saying recently that all the drivers hate him? Will they recant?

I don't think all is correct Bernd Mayländer loves him as he gets to drive around from time to time since there's rarely a first corner incident no more!
They're all in contention (in it's loosest possible terms) and some are more underhand than others - so it will be interesting to see. I won't be surprised at who rocks up or not, or if the meeting actually goes ahead.
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