Current Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton MBE

A place to put all the posts from all the other threads primarily but love him or hate him, and even for the indifferent amongst us this is the place to discuss the marmite that is Lewis Hamilton, to learn a thing or two about his rise, talk about those controversial, genius or mad moments and something that i am bemused by, the recent articles that suggest something quite different to my perception of what's going on. Any experiences of meeting LH?

Brundle had to write a Lewis Hamilton article recently and in my tweets (which were probably ignored) I asked him to talk about LH the driver not LH the personality. It seems that you can't have one without the other.

So as a starter for ten, here is a fairly recent LH article. Posts should not be limited to this link but it can get some discussion going.

The only banned topic as it is clearly ridiculous involves these four things "Glock" "2008" "Brazil" "conspiracy"
I think there is someone out their talking crap about every driver/sportstar every day in the hope that some paper or internet site will pick up on it. I think they describe it as 'work'. Think the crap talked about Lewis seems more because its picked up more mainly because he has such a huge fan base.

I mean I've been saying Giedo Van Der Garde will never be a proper F1 driver whilst he keeps stuffing his face with edam cheese and listening to that damn dutch folk music but none of the main tabloids have printed any of it.
The conspiracy theories as to why Lewis is struggling are already showing up :snigger:

Nico Rosberg has not put brakes on Hamilton due to his driving superiority, but simply because he is favoured by Mercedes at large. One has to read the body language at Mercedes. Even the body language of Nico with respect to Lewis speaks volumes. So Nico has either a better car or he has a secret power-boost button on his steering wheel. He even said it in a German press when demonstrating his steering wheel, he reckoned his secret button was behind the steering wheel. A secret button on a steering wheel only benefits Nico versus his team mate - Lewis. For other drivers, it is irrelevant. By swapping garages in Monaco, the Team only tried to disguise the truth. Let all buttons and levers in both cars be analysed and let telemetry data, fuel load, ignition timing, tyre pressure etc. be verified by a person skilled in the art. Nico is not faster than Lewis under equal and verified circumstances. I am confident because I expected this to happen with 99% certainty. Mika Hakkinen also knows why. What is happening to Lewis at Mercedes is a continuation of what made him leave McLaren. Britons could not identify with Lewis due to his mixed-race identity so they preferred Jenson to be the No-one driver, but Jenson could just not beat Lewis. But Lewis also did mistakes in criticizing the likes of Vettel whilst applauding Alonso's driving style. Alonso knew this and influenced Lewis to openly support him at the expense of Vettel. So Lewis has no real chance at Mercedes. He should actually renegotiate his exit and return to McLaren or join a team not supplied with German engineering. I may be wrong once in a while, but experience verifies that I am always right in my observation and analysis of body language corroborated with erroneous statements made by decision makers. Lewis has thousands if not millions of fans worldwide. So, his performance should not be sabotaged technically; public at large is deprived of real motorsport.
I think many are over analyzing Hamilton's problems. Rosberg is settled, he's been with Mercedes for numerous seasons, Lewis has only just arrived. All he needs is time to settle and time to sort his cars braking issues to suit him and his speed will return. I really don't see a problem, though I do believe he would be well advised to remove as many distractions as possible if he wants to challenge for titles again.
I've read that article from Hughes about the Mercedes drivers. I think it's a good article. And then someone writes a pile of drivel in reply. You get them. I wouldn't credit them with reproducing their drivel though.
I think I can uncontroversially say that there is as much favouring of 1 driver at Mercedes in 2013 as there was at McLaren in 2010-2012..... To say anything else, based on the evidence of those years would be to see conspiracies where there are none!
It's all the fault of his dog!! He takes it with him and walks it round the racetrack. Which according to John Watson is a big NoNo.
The so-called distraction that some feel that Lewis may have is .....Roscoe, which surely I doubt will impede him to challenge for future WDC's.
My comment was far more general than just referring to Roscoe. The demands made on Hamilton since the very beginning of his career with McLaren have been enormous and instead of trying to please everyone, as he has, someone in his management should have been acting as a buffer keeping these demands a little more controlled. He had a head start on Vettel who has stayed well away from playing the star, Vettel's approach has bought him 3 World Titles. Yes he's had a great car, but he also has a very different approach to his career than Lewis and his results speak for themselves.
That's a silly comparison. Vettel won those championships because Newey gave him the best car. And when things don't go his way his behaviour towards his team and his team mate and other drivers is very childish. Yes he's different to Lewis, and everyone will have their preferences, but lets not hold Vettel up as a paragon of virtue.
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