Current Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton MBE

A place to put all the posts from all the other threads primarily but love him or hate him, and even for the indifferent amongst us this is the place to discuss the marmite that is Lewis Hamilton, to learn a thing or two about his rise, talk about those controversial, genius or mad moments and something that i am bemused by, the recent articles that suggest something quite different to my perception of what's going on. Any experiences of meeting LH?

Brundle had to write a Lewis Hamilton article recently and in my tweets (which were probably ignored) I asked him to talk about LH the driver not LH the personality. It seems that you can't have one without the other.

So as a starter for ten, here is a fairly recent LH article. Posts should not be limited to this link but it can get some discussion going.

The only banned topic as it is clearly ridiculous involves these four things "Glock" "2008" "Brazil" "conspiracy"
This is rapidly turning into a caption competition ... how about "Sorry I didn't make the Monaco podium, Lewis, but now everybody's gone can I get out of your race suit and this blooming car?"

Edit: Incubus beats me to it and demonstrates the fine art of "don't talk about it, do it" :D
Your attempt was most appreciated downforce but I fear that until the Thursday news conference in Montreal we don't really have anything new to talk about. The tyres have overshadowed almost everything and I think the debate has fallen off of the proverbial cliff - well and truly worn out and degraded. Lewis's performace at Monaco has been dissected to the nth degree and apart from being in the receiving end of rather inane criticism from Watty he doesn't appear to have done anything for us to talk about.
Damn that sure upsets the theory that cats are more intelligent than dogs then. After all look how difficult it is to train cats to behave as humans want them to behave. Come to think of it I must be as thick as a plank because it's exceedingly difficult to make me do anything I don't want to do. Curses! That's given my confidence a resounding knock. :D
Many other F1 drivers have dogs & MS regularly took his to the track, if I had a say...I'd say leave the dogs at home.

I agree with you F1ang_o that dogs should be left at home, but I also believe that only Lewis would get this kind of stick, as you guys say, or crap. Where was the outcry and condemnation against Raikkonen, when he walked his dog Ajax through the paddock at the Nurburgring in 2005?.......not a :censored: peep. I hope that Lewis truly understands that this is the kind of hypocritical nonsense and double standard, that he will have to deal with, as long as he participates in this sport, which I truly love.

Concerns for the noise that may potentially harm Roscoe are legitimate, but I have no doubt that Roscoe is in a VIP area, where noise from the engines are of no problem.

Has there been an outcry? I thought it was just John Watson have a mouth off which everyone said was silly.

Sometimes Lewis does get some unfair stick but lets not turn him into Martin Luthor Hamilton shall we? All the top drivers are in the media spotlight and all get their fair share of unfair critiscm for very silly things. Kimi didn't get the media going on about his dog bur he did get nearly hpunded out of F1 for eating an ice cream.

Lets not go reaching for the tin foil hats over one article eh?
The myriad of media sources that have nothing better to print other than to regurgitate Watty's comments speaks volumes. Google "john Watson" to find something about his life and most of the results thrown up lead you to articles where he has a pop at either Hamilton, Vettel or Button (listed in the order of prevalence funnily enough). Mind you, he does say nice things about them as well.

Incidentally, don't expect to find out much about Watty's post F1 career without some difficulty. I've tried and even the F1 stuff is pretty thin so I rescind my offer to start a thread on him. For a so called F1 legend he's not very interesting at all. Which is a shame because I quite like the bloke, although not as much as I did before he opened his gob on the subjects of Vettel, Button and Hamilton (in that order).
If Lewis had biffed a photographer before the last FA did, for taking a photo of his girlfriend....there would have been loads of derogatory comments.....& possibly an outcry..
As for Kimi eating an ice lolly...I posted (606?) that Kimi was the only one being true to the situation.....the race was was a past tense....all the other drivers sat in their cars, most of us sat watching the pouring rain on our TVs & Bourdais had driven his last race in F1.....was it Malaysia 2009 only half points awarded? Don't remember Kimi being nearly hounded out of F1 ...bit OTT
All you need to do is look at Hamilton's recent performances to know that he is talking a load of dogshit and that this isn't even worthy of a discussion. The only reason he said that is to generate attention and interest and it seems he has succeeded.
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