Current Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton MBE

A place to put all the posts from all the other threads primarily but love him or hate him, and even for the indifferent amongst us this is the place to discuss the marmite that is Lewis Hamilton, to learn a thing or two about his rise, talk about those controversial, genius or mad moments and something that i am bemused by, the recent articles that suggest something quite different to my perception of what's going on. Any experiences of meeting LH?

Brundle had to write a Lewis Hamilton article recently and in my tweets (which were probably ignored) I asked him to talk about LH the driver not LH the personality. It seems that you can't have one without the other.

So as a starter for ten, here is a fairly recent LH article. Posts should not be limited to this link but it can get some discussion going.

The only banned topic as it is clearly ridiculous involves these four things "Glock" "2008" "Brazil" "conspiracy"

"I could stay in the great car that I have, which I've worked really hard to help develop with the team"

"The car that I'm in right now is a car that I've developed. Next year will be an evolution of the car that I've helped develop and that will be a championship contender"

You could say this is just talk but I've always suspected that contrary to a lot of opinion Hamilton is one of the best drivers on the technical side and I'm looking forward to seeing what he can do technically with the mercedes.

I think the makority of even the hardcore fans will give Merc a years grace right? They prob will expect at least a championship challenge in 2014 though.

Although if Mclaren produce a supercar than Button takes to the title next year then all hell might break loose

"I could stay in the great car that I have, which I've worked really hard to help develop with the team"

"The car that I'm in right now is a car that I've developed. Next year will be an evolution of the car that I've helped develop and that will be a championship contender"

You could say this is just talk but I've always suspected that contrary to a lot of opinion Hamilton is one of the best drivers on the technical side and I'm looking forward to seeing what he can do technically with the mercedes.

I totally agree. I've always found him very articulate when discussing the technical side of things.
Isn't it always Incubus? Everyone's perspective is subjective and it is rare for an autobiographer to say "Yeh, that was my fault".

The best a book can do, if read closely and with some knowledge of F1 history, is give us a few more (subjective) 'facts' to mull over. Sometimes, I wish they all would shut the fuck up and do what they are supposed to - let's face it none are going to change the World or even add anything to it.

Edit - maybe a tad off topic, just realised it is the LH thread. Back on topic: hopefully LH won't 'do' another book until he retires.
Completely off topic but in theme - Did anyone hear David Coulthard say the other week that he made the decision to retire from F1 because he was involved in so many accidents in his last season and he concluded it was his driving? Never heard a driver say something like that before.
Some comments from Hamilton on why he chose Mercedes over McLaren.

"Everyone would choose the easy option, but I don't think in my whole life I have taken the easy road," Lewis explained. "Where I am, I could definitely stay, and that would be easy, knowing that the car will be amazing next year because it will be an evolution of this year's car.

"But to go somewhere where I know the car is not so great, and it's a new team, a young team, who want to be World Champions...there aren't many drivers in the paddock who have taken a team which was struggling and then helped them grow to the top."


"Next year, there's no expectations. It's a year to learn, and communicate and build relationships with new people," he told Georgie. "I'm realistic of the position I'm in."
Sounds to me as if he knew exactly what he was doing and now that he has broken away from the team he grew up with, which is a constant stick some use to beat him with, perhaps he can be lauded for taking this route to the next stage of his career.
I still think that it is a huge gamble. He is taking a year out from winning races hoping to make up for it in the future despite the fact that it has slipped from 4th to 5th in the constructors championship this season.

The Mercedes parent company is still in a good position, although weakening slightly, it has been rumoured in the past that it could well back out of F1.

It would be a shame to see Hamilton in a poor car, despite what some of his fans may think it is not possible for a driver to make a fifth rate car into a first rate one by driving ability alone.
I still say that it's not a fith rate car anyway. Any car that has won a race must be doing something right (yes, even Williams). Schumacher has made a few mistakes this year but he managed to get the car into third place and surely there is no one who thinks that Hammy is not a better driver than this years Schumie (and Rosberg for that matter).

Going to Merc is a gamble but what a story if Hamilton can help take the team to the top. I've got a bet with a good mate of mine (a bottle of red wine) that Hamilton will finish on the podium at the first race of the season. Of course, lets not kid ourselves it was perhaps financial issues that initially caused Hamilton to start looking around. 'Take a pay cut but sign for us cause we want you' is hardly a good way to open talks. I don't think that Hamilton would have signed for a team, dollers or not, that he couldn't see himself doing well in.
Hamilton is asked whether he expects Schumacher to stay and simply says "no".

But when asked whether he was expecting Schumacher to remain in the background, Hamilton said quite simply and emphatically: "No."

That's completely different to Hamilton telling Mercedes he doesn't want Schumacher to stay.

A very poorly written headline and article.
The preceding paragraph is:

"Mercedes team principal Ross Brawn had been quoted speaking to the BBC suggesting Schumacher, the "greatest racing driver of the century", could stay on."

So will he or won't he?
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