Current Sir Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton MBE

A place to put all the posts from all the other threads primarily but love him or hate him, and even for the indifferent amongst us this is the place to discuss the marmite that is Lewis Hamilton, to learn a thing or two about his rise, talk about those controversial, genius or mad moments and something that i am bemused by, the recent articles that suggest something quite different to my perception of what's going on. Any experiences of meeting LH?

Brundle had to write a Lewis Hamilton article recently and in my tweets (which were probably ignored) I asked him to talk about LH the driver not LH the personality. It seems that you can't have one without the other.

So as a starter for ten, here is a fairly recent LH article. Posts should not be limited to this link but it can get some discussion going.

The only banned topic as it is clearly ridiculous involves these four things "Glock" "2008" "Brazil" "conspiracy"
....and that Mclaren/Whitmarsh didn't want him.

Lewis wanted a change and a fresh start so knowing the Mercedes team better than the others decided that was his best option.

End of story

Time to discuss something else

move along please. ;)
Whitmarsh claims McLaren offered a better deal than Mercedes and in fact the best one in F1.

Perhaps that will now put paid to the claims that Hamilton moved just for the money. I highly doubt it will though.

He then goes on to say

"I think that we made a very good and serious offer and proposition. Ultimately of course we weren't able to agree terms.

I wonder what he meant by this.
End of story

McLaren have been adamant for over a year now that Hamilton would have to take a pay reduction due to the economic climate. Just because they came in with a last minute offer to try and trump Mercedes doesn't mean that they truly put their best foot forward when trying to retain his services. There was ample opportunity for McLaren to re-up with Lewis, but they dragged their feet and counted on the likelihood that all the "prime" seats would stay filled.

What Whitmarsh's quote does tell us is that far from jumping ship to Mercedes for the big payday, Lewis would have been staying at McLaren largely for the money, and not for his peace of mind.
Isn't that what we all said?

As for Mclaren's stance. The economy is what the economy is and coming out and saying "we'll pay you anything Lewis" is hardly a great starter for a negotiation package.

Why does this whole thing have to be white hats and black hats? can't we all be civil! We're all human beings after all! ;)
I'm just tired of Cowboy and Indians.

Can't we just see it as a relationship break-up? Basically Lewis told Mclaren "its not you its me" to which Mclaren got on its knees and begged him to stay saying they could change - Lewis left anyway - mclaren threw a few of his trophies round the room and burnt some pictures and realised they didn't want to actually change that much anyway and wouldn't have been happy in the relationship if Lewis had stayed and in fact Lewis had been right all along and it was time to move on.

Although it'll be awkward for a while both will work through it, get over it and be able to be reasonable to each other if they bump into each other at parties or in the super market - although they will always try to look their damn best and tell the other how great there new life is because they wouldn't want to be seen as losing.
When the news was first announced it was announced almost as fact that he was moving just for the money.

The move made the main news at ten.

McLaren saying they made a good offer days afterwards won't make news bigger than autosport so the vast majority of casual fans won't read it, just the core fans.

As far as the casual fan + non F1 fans who read the news are concerned they heard that is was about money and thats all, and that what they will remain thinking. ITs a bit like Hamilton can't look after his tyres. Once the casual fans have had the idea given to them its fact. The casual fan hardly follows the relation of driver and team as much as the core fan, or goes on the internet and looks at stint lap times and drop off to see that the move isn't about money and that he can in fact look after his tyres.

Martin Whitmarsh says McLaren offered Hamilton the chance to be the best-paid driver of the Formula 1 field in a bid to keep him for 2013.

"I think we knew that Lewis would be in demand, that's why we made him an offer. The offer that we made was higher than, I believe, any other driver in Formula 1 is currently receiving, or will receive next year."

Ergo...we are not cheep cheep cheep ?

I say... whatever dude... what is done is done. I just hope for McLaren, LH and JB that now that this has all been resolved, they zone in on the title fight and mix it up right until that last lap at Interlagos... and I have a feeling that the professionalism of this team will shine through in the final races...
Before Monza, Lewis gave an 'exclusive' interview to Bob McKenzie, that was in The Express, on the 6th Sept. A friend sent it to me, I'm not good at getting links. the headline was ..'Time for fans to see the real Lewis.'

"Lewis will show his real self to the world by throwing off the corporate shackles,....., he says that make F1 drivers look boring."

This year at Silverstone, in the pouring rain, he walked up & down the pit lane under an umbrella...& said that it was a pity that they didn't have more sets of wets, they could go out & give the fans a bit of action.
I might well be alone in this, but I'm not really fussed about 'the real Hamilton' and, as such, detest all the peripheral crap that is feed to us on an almost daily basis.

All I want to know is that any driver will do what he is paid to do, in a reasonably gentlemanly fashion - twenty five years ago I wasn't particularly fussed about the 'reasonably gentlemanly fashion' either - but one has to move with the times!
IT was Lewis' management team who went to Mercedes and opened talks not Lewis himself or Mercedes

XIX deny they will take 50% of whatever Lewis earned

I think Mclaren played hardball after twittergate if I am honest although all major sponsors and bosses said the final decision was down to Whitmarsh

I think Mclaren have done well out of it because they've got Perez under Ferrari's nose and backed by the World's richest man for sponsorship

IF Lewis was driving say 10 years ago he would have no doubt commanded a bigger premium but there are so many quality drivers to choose from on the current grid who will be tomorrow's stars Mclaren aint going to bust a gut just to keep him if someone is willing to drive for cheaper AND show more commitment

I don't think Lewis wants the Mclaren road car now he was promised if he won 3 world titles with Mclaren to emulate Senna

Mercedes will allow Lewis to make more money but the question is can he turn Mercedes into a front runner when Schumacher could not ?

Mclaren will not fall by the away side like Williams who have taken so long to get back to the front until now

In terms of pure salary deal excluding endorsements then Hamilton was on a good deal monetary wise
I like it when a driver opts for the challenge, the easiest option is not always the best & if he's on the same wavelength as Ross Brawn then I think 2014 could be a WDC challenging year. I'd still liked to have seen Lewis at Williams now they're getting a good car under them.
Next year will be very interesting to see where the Merc can finish a race in his hands, he's made his choice so if the car isn't a front contender he'd better not moan!
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